Focus Impulse spells Spell in Quills and Scribes of the Sahrian Union | World Anvil
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Focus Impulse spells

Arborwrist quickly searched her bedroom for any sign of her mother's missing spell book then checked her Word spell grimoire in the living room's wooden chair. "There has to be be an impulse type I can use to find it, before my mother tears her hair out looking for it. Ah, here we are the focus impulse. A tracking spell sounds like a good idea." She quickly wrote down the word Tracking, before putting on some sturdy clothes and briefly gasping in pain from the brief flashthroughs of echolocation, scents and even night vision, before hurrying after the blue robed thief, whose robe was caught in a mangrove tree. "Wait, look over there!" Arborwrist groaned. "I'm not falling for something that is the oldest trick in the book." Only for the thief to cast a disappear spell and hurry off. Then all the guards all walked in interrupting a magic spell which the thief Indivisible, which was meant to be Invisible as an escape attempt, so he was temporarily split into two, which was a disgusting sight to watch as the spell reversed itself.   The following day, at Oralech's clinic, everything seemed too quiet for the former demon. Suddenly Volfred himself dashed in with a stab wound on his shoulder and the physician sighed in annoyance. "By Lu, how did you get a wound like that?" "I don't want to talk about it old friend. The person responsible might be heading here to finish me off, I tried to reason with him but he didn't listen." As Volfred finished his explanation, a familiar voice shouted "Open the door, you traitors!" There was only one person who sounded that nasally, it was Brighton the former 9th Archjustice of the Commenwealth, but something sounded off. "Hold on a minute, I need to treat Volfred's shoulder wound. Can you wait in the waiting room until I have finished. But if you threaten my employees, even though you formerly leaded this country I will not hesitate to call security." "Fine, I'll head in. But mine's worse and something else was going to attack him first." Brighton slammed the door, with formerly neat hair now messy and matted with dirt, his eyes seemed haunted, there was also a severe gash oozing blood down some patched robes and he nearly staggered over due to blood loss. "Oh, you weren't lying. I'll have to ask one of the nurses to put you in the intensive care unit, it's a miracle you're even walking around with a wound like that." "Raaargh!" Then suddenly of all things, the symbol of the former Greater Titan Shax Six Shoulders appeared two blocks away and the smell of ash and bone filled there air.   Neither of the former Nightwings knew how to react at the miniature Shax Six Shoulders Titanspawn as it tried to force it's own way inside the clinic with a bemused chuckle. But suddenly Brighton stood up and briefly cast a Restrain word, before going under sedetion. The Titanspawn roared in anger as its fists were sealed with a golden light,giving the two a chance to dispatch the creature before it hurt anyone else.   "How did he do that anyway, thought he'd be against Word magic anyway because of the literature ban?" "The Voices are meant to have at least some form of understanding of it, because they are former Readers for the Exile Rites in the Downside." Volfred replied back as they both looked worriedly at Brighton.


The feeling of intense concentration and focus upon something, if done right. Enhanced mental faculties when making plans.

Side/Secondary Effects

Misspelled Focus impulse spells often lead to sensual over stimulation, or death in the worst case scenario. You can avoid the side affects, provided you concentrate.


Like you can do anything you can concentrate. Smells like soothing tea, there are often clean minimalistic lines.


From intense concentration and your own willpower.


Created by frustrated word mages during the First scribes era. This bizarrely became popular as a way for Demons to safely control their rage among the Tempers triumvirate. Although Murr himself only mastered this type of word magic late in life, he has become greatly acknowledged as a hero for founding the Rites.
How the focus spell works

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