Muleon Species in Pronathea | World Anvil


"You see one of them, you fookin' run, okay? You fookin' run as fast as you can and you don't stop until they're gone. You got that?"
— A concerned parent

Solid & Shaggy

  Coated in long, shaggy grey fur, muleons appear similar to both a lion and a bear. Their noses are small in comparison to the rest of their faces, with a large mouth and fangs protruding from it. Their tails are short, with a tuft of fur at the tip, and their ears are small and round. They have large, immensely strong claws that they use to dig up roots and are their main defense against attackers.   Muleons can dig underground rather quickly, allowing them to hunt down even animals who are bunkered in their burrows. The power they hold in their strong claws and arms provides them the ability to crush large rocks as if they were nothing more than pebbles.  

Powerful & Parental

  Due to their nature to house their packs in dark caves on the edge of Bihulling, they naturally hold a dark colour to their fur. As well as their grey fur, male muleons have black manes that begin from their noses and go around the back of their heads and necks, as well as a slight ruff on their backs. Female muleons, while they don't have a mane, have dark streaks running from the sides of their eyes along their shoulders.   Born live, muleon cubs stay with their parents and their pack for the majority of their life. While some may decide to leave their pack to form their own, most only leave when them staying poses a threat to their pack or if they believe they will die soon. As a strongly antagonistic species, muleons will attack anything that feels like a threat to them. Because of their immense difference in power and size to most humanoids, they do not tend to view them threats, however they will respond with ferocity if you attack them first.
25 years
Average Height
1.5 to 1.7 meters at their shoulder
Average Weight
Approx. 500 lbs
Average Length
2 to 2.5 meters


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Dec 3, 2021 16:38

Ooooh! They sound like the distant cousins of my Lileons! I want one, because they seem like super loyal companions for life. <3   Keep up the good work! :D

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Dec 7, 2021 16:47 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I definitely would not want to get on the wrong side of these guys. I like the fact they have manes. Are they ever hunted for their fur?

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 8, 2021 05:42 by Andrew

Probably but they're not easy to hunt, so even if you get one of them, there's always more around..