Wajabin of Midsummer's Eve Myth in Project Kaos (Placeholder) | World Anvil

Wajabin of Midsummer's Eve


In Gebelzum, the capital of the Eleb and Gismari, there were two lovers separated by warring houses. Their names were Onar and Tir, and they met in secret every week under their family's noses. However after a year of this, they stopped being careful and were spied by the women that their parents had arranged betrothals to. Fiora and Sinn, both angered by this betrayal, plotted separately to get their revenge with their house sorcerers. They each came up with a hideous spell to merge the two men into one misshapen body, hoping to permanently trap them in a way such that they could never hide their union again and thus pay the price. The plot was to occur on the next time the men would meet, the fete of midsummer's eve.   When all was set and the pieces were in place, Fiora and Sinn got close so as to see and get the first laugh, but since the sorcerers were arrayed opposite to each other and did not take each other into account, their magic interacted and rebounded, capturing not only Onar and Tir, but their betrothed as well! Bonded forever into an abomination with four heads, the 'monster' ran through the streets trying to hide its form, but to no avail. Everyone was horrified, most especially the four families, but this was the straw that broke the war, with the four families uniting under this banner to punish the house sorcerers responsible, not believing their story that they were working under orders from Fiora and Sinn.   The creature, called a Wajabin from that day forth, lives on to this day. The heads constantly bicker, except for those of Onar and Tir, who still love each other to this day. In the rare cases where they agree, they work on searching for a cure, but they don't dare be seen by anyone for fear of being hunted down as a monster.


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