Olv'volnoros Species in Project Chaos | World Anvil


Even as skilled as I am, I wouldn't dare cross paths with one of those things. Something that's survived since the Elder rule deserves respect. That respect is to avoid it. Simply being in its presence is a challenge to its pride as a demon. Never challenge an olv'volnoros because you will lose.  
— Lord Zalen Saleos

It was said that when the great Elder Demon Ouroboros died, he left behind a secret line of children that was not recognized by other demons as legitimate. These demons were shunned and outcasted to survive on their own. Little did the demons at the time know that these children of Ouroboros would grow and resent all other demons and their society. Through time did the demons numbers grow, reproducing among themselves until they became disfigured.   Now in modern society, the demons hide in the wilderness, looking for those who wander close to their homes, and to begin their game they call the Poison Hunt.


With its main body resembling a cobra, an olv'volnoros has six arms that protrude from its thorax. There are three sets of arms on an olv'volnoros. The first set is its primary set, the diin'sal (primary arms). These arms are located in the middle of the thorax and are long and powerful. At the ends of these arms are its diin'henval (primary hands). The diin'henval are massive and can be used like any typical hands. At the ends of the diin'henval are three massive claws that are capable of piercing or ripping apart flesh. Also, these particular claws have small openings at the end which can also inject a deadly venom.   Located at the start of its thorax are the saan'sal (secondary arms). These arms are the shortest of the three sets that are primarily used in casting magic. They can also be used defensively and offensively against aggressors that get pass its diin'sal and fahun'sal. Like its diin'sal, there are also its saan'henval and three short claws at the end of that.   The final set of arms are located at the top of the thorax, the fahun'sal (tertiary arms). These arms are longer than its saan'sal but shorter than its diin'sal. These arms constantly overhang over the demon's head and are primarily used in magic casting. Due to their location on its body, the fahun'sal are rarely used in physical combat.   Protruding from its thorax is the olv'volnoros's head. The head has been described as a disfigured lion. The demon has two rows of razor-sharp teeth on both its upper and lower mouth. Standing out amongst these teeth are its massive fangs, two on each side of its mouth. These fangs inject a deadly venom that slowly but painfully kills its victim.   On the demon's head is a set of five horns. These horns are sharp and can easily puncture the skin.   Located beneath its head, at the front and center of its thorax are six large glands that are capable of emitting a deadly toxin.

Demonic Intelligence

Like most demons, olv'volnoros have a level of intelligence. Olv'volnoros are capable of speech, but only speak in demon languages. It's extremely rare to encounter one that can speak any other language. Olv'volnoros are also capable of advanced thinking and strategy. However, olv'volnoros are also prideful demons, and by simply being in its presence, considers this a challenge to its power.   Magic is something else these demons can grasp and are proficient in it. Olv'voronos are capable of performing Ignis Elemental. There've been many misinterpretations that the demon is also capable of performing Acidus Elemental, due to the demon able to emit noxious clouds. However, this feat is purely biological and is traced back to the original Elder Ouroboros.

The Poison Hunt

Olv'volronos will eat anything, devils included, and enjoy toying with their prey. As large as they are, they are also silent. The demon is not nocturnal but prefers hunting in the night as its much easier to stalk prey. When an olv'volnoros sees prey it likes, it will always deal a non-lethal strike with either its fangs or the claws on its diin'henval. Inside these fangs and claws is a deadly poison that kills slowly, but painfully. Olv'volnoros enjoy hunting down prey, the sounds of their victims in agony sweet music to them. Should prey seem likely to escape, the demon will then simply catch up in a hurry, or use a ranged magic spell to deal a lethal blow.   If the demon is confronted, rather than hunting prey, the demon will engage in the hunt differently. The demon can feign be being beaten but only does so when it's capable of dealing its toxin to aggressors. The demon will show signs of fear and will back off. But with its toxin in effect, the demon doesn't run too far. And while for those fighting the demon may think they have won, they will be on borrowed time, the olv'volronos hunt having begun and they the prey.


Olv'volronos are found in Infernus's Realm of Wrath, the majority of them located in the southern and mountainous areas of the realm. They can be found in the Un'daliin Eastern and Western Mountains as well as the San'niil'kaaz Mountains located in Zan'niil kii U'liis. They can also be found in Zan'nil kii Ba'luna.
Krusty by Deiv Calviz
98 Solar Years (392 Mortal Years)
Average Height
8ft 9in - 9ft 8in at full "stance"
Average Weight
870lbs. - 1090lbs.


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