Yeatonion Empire Organization in Project Arcarain | World Anvil

Yeatonion Empire

Yeantonion Empire is the dominant nation in the Quaduvia, which is well known for trading hub and technology advancements, while keeping the beauty of nature for tourist attraction.


all administration power belongs to. Since he is the ageless Golem who have no greed, envy and full of empathy no one ever have, his ultimate goal is to create the land of peace where everyone live equally.


Different species have different cultures.


Before the arrival of Yean P'ezero in the Quaduvia, there were four main nations/tribes of four races such as Beastfolk and Incestman. They invaded each other for as far as before the begining of Age of Conquest. He arrived at the place where it is now Yeantown, to spread his power to the realm. With his diplomacy, he finally get rid of all conflicts between all species, united all the land and decleared himself as the Emperor of Men.

Demography and Population

Most of the population are Breastfolk, Insectman and Minatuar in order.
Disclaimer: Many things here are still in development though such as names, backstories, and concept.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Controlled Territories


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