Homo Alvinian Superior (The master Race) Species in Primorion Dorratic-Archon | World Anvil
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Homo Alvinian Superior (The master Race)

The Master Race is that of the (elvan equivalent). There are 3 tiers of elven class structure, an aristocratic or patrician class divided into three distinct racial sub-races; the Cimmerian, the Illuminine and the Annaline, the plebian class which means there is no limit to how far one can go on the political latter or the economic latter even can become aristocratic if marry into but all descendants will be named into the patrician family and usually they will be encouraged to breed with “true-born” aristocrats in order to purge the impure blood
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Elvinian Superior

Articles under Homo Alvinian Superior (The master Race)


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