Maldur's Bane Item in Prime | World Anvil

Maldur's Bane

To the reader of this tome:   My name is Archibald Smithers. If you found this within a haunted house on an unknown isle, then I am dead. But my mission was achieved. This book was planted as a warning.   Vahn Maldur was a noble that lived over 200 years ago. His wealth and estates are well known throughout Aer. All except this one. The haunted house mentioned above is home to Vahn Maldur and his thralls. I believe that he contracted Sanguinare Vampiris. I’ve lost many a friend who came to this house looking for treasure or the secret amongst the rumors. No one has returned from this place.   Heed my words: Flee. Vahn Maldur is likely to be more powerful than even the Shield of Aer. I pray this tome leads you to a better ending than previous visitors to this lost estate. Take the information I’ve tucked into the other pages of this tome and provide it to someone that can end this horror.   Rumor has it, the Dreadmount houses a long lost artifact that defeated vampire lords of old…   Archibald Smithers   Upon a quick examination, there must be a lower level to the estate. That is where I’m certain Vahn Maldur is waiting.
Item type
Book / Document


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