Mag Tureah Geographic Location in Prime | World Anvil

Mag Tureah

From the article Court of Stars: Thrumbolg, First Lord of Mag Tureah by Jeff Dougan and Tim Eagon featured in Dragon Magazine #420
When most people think of Mag Tureah, they picture its central citadel. In addition to the citadel, Thrumbolg’s domain consists of several huge, interconnected vaults filled with lush fungal forests and opening up to hundreds of miles of twisting tunnels. These passageways either end abruptly or lead to portals linked to the mortal world. An arching cluster of glowing crystals or a circular tangle of roots sometimes indicates the presence of a relatively stable portal. Most portals remain unmarked, though, and wink in and out of existence, shift locations, or change destinations seemingly at random.   Luminescent crystals that mimic the stars of the world above dot the onyx ceilings of Mag Tureah’s eight central vaults. Those crystalline constellations have fooled innumerable travelers into crossing through one of Mag Tureah’s portals, believing they were still in the mortal realm. Massive floor-to-ceiling spires of black iron covered with pulsating alien sigils dominate each of these huge caverns. Remarkably, given their great age and the Feydark’s pervasive moisture, not a hint of rust mars their surfaces. Thrumbolg’s finest cyclops and spriggan soldiers garrison these spires and safeguard the vaults and their portals. In addition to these fortifications, Mag Tureah’s architects have incorporated the realm’s natural features into its defenses, including its confusing labyrinth of narrow tunnels and the seemingly bottomless Dark River that cuts a raging course through the fortress.   The one weakness in Mag Tureah’s defenses is the point at which the King’s Highway bisects one of the fortress’s outermost caverns. To the First Lord’s dismay, no structure he has attempted to build in this cavern has risen more than four courses of stone before collapsing, no matter what magic he and his most skilled arcanists and ritualists have employed.   Keeping this area secure is the personal responsibility of Morc, Thrumbolg’s chief general. His personal legion bivouacs nearby.   A colossal iron citadel sprawls within Mag Tureah’s largest and deepest vault, and it is home to Thrumbolg, his sycophantic court, and the bulk of his armies. At its center stands an immense tower that almost scrapes the vault’s ceiling a mile above. This tower is the First Lord’s personal demesne, and he permits entry to no one else. Many believe that Thrumbolg communes inside the spire with whatever dark powers originally created Mag Tureah. Even those fomorians that plot to usurp the First Lord’s power and dream of seizing the spire are fearful of what might lurk within.
Explored Territory
Mag Tureah Tunnel by Kirk Wiebe
Underground / Subterranean
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