Ko'thar Ton'nak Geographic Location in Prethoria | World Anvil
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Ko'thar Ton'nak

Koth'ar Ton'nak is the name for a region that is part of the Endless Forest. Called so by the race of wrutts, it was fell under a curse four thousand years ago and became known as the Silent Forest. Hostile to all livings, the region is filled with many monstrosities and poisonous plants and enclosed by the defensive perimeter manned by the Ethernal Wardens.


Most of the Silent Forest is, as the name implies, covered with trees, high and thick enough to create a permanent shade for most of it. There are also countless small streams flowing through the region as well as frequent changes in ground level.

Fauna & Flora

While initially a deserted land where even the animals were rare to encounter, it is no longer so. After being disturbed by those seeking rare and valuable resources as well as the heirlooms of the fallen race, the forest has changed. Nowadays, it is inhabited by a great number of corrupted animals who have turned into all kinds of monsters. Moreover, the curse affects the sentient creatures as well, bringing up the darker side of their nature and granting un-death upon those who would die within the borders of the Silent Forest.

Natural Resources

The forest is abundant with magic-rich resources, mostly herbs, although though the curse taints most of them. Still, they can be useful even if not always for a good cause. As a result, daring individuals would often wander into Ko'thar Ton'nak searching for those resources, which is commonly regarded as the primary cause for the forest's defensive reaction in the form of its monsters. Besides, the legacy of the extinct race is still mostly intact, offering many treasures in the form of gold, items and artefacts to those lucky enough.
Alternative Name(s)
Silent Forest
Location under

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