Halfjar Settlement in Porun | World Anvil
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Deep in the fjords & forests of the Nornhil lies the village of Halfjar. Inhabited by an industrious people, they are best know for their ship building skills. The forests that surround the village are perfect for the ship building and this trade has made them famous throughout the world.


The village is predominately Human, with a small smattering Dwarf and Elven speacilist. The majority of the inhabitants are involved in shipbuilding in some way. Those who aren't likely offer services of some description. The village is not poor and could be considered moderately wealthy if it were not so remote and difficult to reach. The village also boasts a strong aquaculture, both fish farms and farming of various kelp and aquatic plants.


Originally a military settlement, the village is now run by a small council that has been granted some level of autonomy by the military commander. The council meets and make decisions in the best interests of the town while still meetings the goals and objectives of the military.


The village was founded with the purpose of building ships for the Navy. Due to the strategic importance of this, the village does not have its own guard and instead has a contingent of Soldiers posted for defense. There are approximately 50 soldiers stationed at any given time, though there is room to house 100 or so.   The remoteness of this settlement is the primary defense. It is hard to find, hidden deep in the fjords. Second is the location itself. The village sits between a river and a small mountain. Upon the mountain looking out across the river is a watch tower with a bell to alert the village and 2 bolt throwers for defense.   Above the docks sits another watch tower also armed with bolt throwers.   On the opposite side of the village sits a large stone wall with gate.

Industry & Trade

The village is built around ship building. This is its only export. Building 3-4 ships per year. Ships are built and sit in the harbour until a crew is sent to collect them. The village aims to be self sufficient, as the harsh winters and long distance mean it can be months between shipments. The primary import of the village are the materials (iron, rope, etc) that cannot be procured locally. Some of this come from Val-Thorim in the south east, while others come up river from Rosborg & Follborg.   The village is known mainly for four types of boats
  • Knarr's
  • Longships
  • Cogs


As a village dedicated to shipbuilding there are a number of workshops dedicated to this craft. Within the walls the following can be found:
  • Black Smith
  • Water wheel and lumber saw
  • Pottery Kiln
  • Rope maker
  • Cooper, and other smiths.


The Norther Frontier is know for is harsh winters. During these months trade comes to a halt and towns and villages in the ares must be prepared and self sufficient if they are to survive. Halfjar contains a number of well stocked ware houses containing lumber, metals and ropes, grain, potatoes, etc. These ware houses contain enough supplies to keep the ship yards working through out the cold winter. This does make the town quite wealthy and were it not so isolated, quite the target.


The history of Halfjar is tied to the growth and success of Nornhil. After the settling of the Dwarven cities and as the cities of Gullborg & Fiskborg began opening up international trade it quickly became apparent that economic growth was being restricted by a lack of domestic ships. First carrying ore, ingots and other goods from the Dwarves to the Human cities, and secondly from these cities to overseas ports. This shortage of ships forced the cities to rely heavily on foreign navies. Further more as the wealth of the region grew so did the number of pirates and raids of opportunity. As these raids grew the navy started to find themselves stretched thin and unable to keep the raiders at bay,   To solve this problem the ruling circle decided to invest in setting up a local shipyard and developing a domestic industry. A village would be founded with the purpose of building ships for both the navy and local merchant fleets. In response to the raid and the openness of the southern borders it was also decided to find a location further north and more secluded deep in the forests of the Norther Frontier. This would remove the threat of raids and place the village in the middle of forest rich in trees suitable for ship building.   The search for a suitable location took approximately a decade as various scouts explored the fjords and rivers searching for a spot that met all the requirements. It was decided to build the village on a tributary to the Kaeldir river. Nestled against a small stone mountain the location met the requirements. It was secluded with a large harbour, it had a river capable of running a water wheel, and was in a defensible position. While the threat of invasion and raiders was almost small the village was of great strategic importance.   The village was constructed over a course of five years. It's original inhabitants being hand selected as important to the industry. Smiths, ship builders, lumberjacks, amongst others where chosen and offered the opportunity to settle and work in the shipyard. Many of these people accepted and their descendants still live in the village today. Over time some have moved out of the village and set up farms and camps in the area providing raw resources to the village.


This is a practical town, built for a singular purpose. Like many towns in the Norther Frontier it is not pretty but quite functional. Buildings are made of heavy wood, stone to keep out the cold. While the architecture is simple, many of the woodwork, internal and external is covered in elaborate carvings. Along the waters edge are various walls and barriers that have been erected. The purpose of these is partially defense but mostly to try and redirect the biting wind away from the town.


Halfjar is cold. Very cold. Nestled deep in the mountains sitting on a fjord, surrounded by thick forests. It has a harsh natural beauty about it. Next to the village is a small stream which is used as a source of fresh water. The crystal clear water of the fjord is also drinkable and host abundant marine life. It's location next to open water means that it is often in the path of the biting, freezing gales that come down off the mountain.

Natural Resources

The location was chosen for the surrounding forest, and the abundance of suitable Oak trees used in the building of ships Strong mighty Oak forests surround the village. The Fjords are filled with abundant fish. The fish feed upon river kelp and other aquatic plants, many of which are also harvested as a source of food. The village contains a number of livestock kept for milk, leather, wool & of course meat. Along the edge of the water reeds can be found which can be used in rope making.
Alternative Name(s)
The village of ships
~250 in Halfjar, another 200 or so scattered settlement in the surrounding area
Owning Organization

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