Pondera A Thieves Remorse

A Thieves Remorse



Thieves rob a crypt, and learn that their mistakes may lead to their untimley deaths.

General Store Murder. The life drained from his body while he died out of fear. They heard about the shop "Canaries" on the outskirts of town and go to ask him about violets weapon. They learn that the Scythe is a famous drow weapon that brings death. It was created long before the drow were banished underground, by the gods themselves when they sewed the earth for food. They were banished, and brought the weapon down into the earth with them.There, it was one of the only survivors of the war with goblins to assert their dominance... and was said to have been held by the queen of scorpions herself. It has been a bane to those who travel in the undergroun since its conception... and the fear of dwarves or others that tunnel through the earth. After talking to the dwarf, they pass back into the town again and hear someone being attacked in their own home. They find a ghost attacking a man and his wife, and they nearly die from it until Ella Tinyspark appears out of nowhere, and quickly turns the tide of the battle, and finishes off the ghost for good. The party finds a map on the man that they saved, and he tells them that the next day, he will have someone tell them what happened. They retreat back to the fat mermaid, and introduce their new party member to Halmund, when someone comes into the tavern to inquire about having him set up the tavern as a guild hall, to which Halmund was not happy with the idea, and kicked him out. The party is approached by a member of a local thieves guild, asking them for help in returning an artifact back to its resting place. They accept the quest, heal their wounds at the local church, than make their way to the city crypts in order to return the stolen artifacts. After Rea falls unconcious due to a trap, the group is set upon by several zombies. The fight was very hard, but the party barely managed to scrape through and retreated to try delivering the artifacts another day. The next day they try to tackle the crypt again, and do their best to avoid the traps. They make it to the body of the one who owned the artifacts, who leaves them with a warning. "This town is rotten... I was killed trying to bring forth the equality of orcs here in the city... ones who abandoned their lives... I was slaughtered for it by the town leaders..." "Humans are strong here, but only if you support only humans." "Do not trust the faith..."

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