Pondera The Destruction of Great Chief Sala, And the Inevitables Inquisition

The Destruction of Great Chief Sala, And the Inevitables Inquisition

Discovery, Exploration


The party finds out about cursed princesses, and an ancient evil trapped in a cave. In addition, the party is approached by a strange being from the planes of law.

Its the day after the big celebration, and the party wakes up feeling refreshed as always. Feeling the desire to work, the party check the job board to look for what work may be available. Finding a job for Lady Gray, they make their way to her homestead, now repaired from the fires that ravaged it from so long ago.

Lady gray gives the party a job to go to a quarry half a day north of town, to find out if there is something going on preventing the quarry from running properly. Seeing this as an easy payday, the party proceed to go to the quarry, accepting the job.

It is just about nighttime as they see the darkneed quarry. there are two buildings aside the entrence, heading down into the deep pit, one fairly long, with a chimney, one that looks like a quaint little wooden home. everything is dark, no smoke, no lights, and all the party hears is the sounds of the wilds. They attempt to check on anyone in the buildings, but recive no response, and there was no sign of struggle. After looking into the quarry, the party see that there is a large hole, digging into the side of the quarry itself.

the party descends into the quarry, the dealthy silence chilling as they approach the mouth of the cave. The cave is fairly dark, but it is rounded out irregularly, heading into the darkness. Those who can see in the dark see nothing but fluttering cloth deeper within. The cave itself is in complete darkness, but still the party adventures forth.

Traveling between the layers of silk that drape from the ceiling, the party end up finding statues of the old miners strewn about in fear. Knowing they faced Medusas they prepared for combat. But upon striking Rea, they found her armor was made of metal, something they had not seen before. Blaze attempts to get another shot in, but is turned to stone while clinging to Rea's leg.

The leader of the three sisters commands the other two to stop, and ask the party listen to their story.

"It was what some would consider the beginning of time itself for the world..." "the three of us were the princess' of the chieftain. Beautiful the countryside over." "So great was our beauty that we recived gifts from tribe after tribe for our hand in marriage." "but our greed turned against us, as we sought for more and more... eventually killing our father to become the chieftain ourselves." "The gods heard us, and so, Zasslic came to us, and Jealousy stood before us." "He told us that our greed became the desire for power, and we hated our father for that power. So because he was jealous of our looks, he was to take our looks away from us." "And so... we became these creatures... our screaming woke the villiage, and our stares of fear turned them both against us, and into stone." she motions to the bird. "We fled... fled for our lives in fear and loathing." "and we hid.. .and we prayed to Mun Den Ti for help.. .but all the spirits abhored the abomination that was us... we wept for years." "Than, Zasslic approached us again when we wished death, surounded by those who wished to both harm us, and use us for nefarious deads.. and even those that wished to help." "Magic was young than... and those who used it... were foolish... Every great spearman thought him a great hunter, and every great hunter thought himself a hero for finding a dragons layer and starting to worship him." "But Zasslic... Zasslic gave us a purpose... a choice..." "We were granted immortality when we were cursed, because he needed to keep a secret safe... a secret that the world did not need released upon it." she motions to the cave. "The tomb of Great chief Sala." "his riches were buried with him.. .and his body was cursed." "We did... and do not have... what it takes to end him. But if you kill him, we earn our spirits... our bodies back after all these years." "This was to teach us a lesson in humility... to keep us brought down and humble to avoid his jealousy again." She gets to her knees, placing her forhead on the floor. "Please... We want to be free of this curse... slay great Chieftain Sala so we may live lives again."

Violet manages to get to the city, grab a few scrolls and get back to ensure that they can save the bird without destroying him. The medusa keeping their word and staying away from the party while they go about their business. The party turn the kenku back to flesh and allow him to continue living, before setting back to the back of the underground dungeon. After dealing with a fairly clever trap, the party comes upon the main cathedral that housed Chieftain Sala. and find a pile of precious gemstones before a sarcophagus. Rea goes and tries to touch the treasure, and thats when Chieftain Sala, a mummy, opens his sarcophagus to fight them. he starts the fight by summoning a rhino, and the rhino instantly charges Blaze, completely obliterating him. After a few rounds of intense combat, with most of the party down for the count, the party finally kill the great chieftain, without any more casulaties. However, thanks to their preperation, the party did have a scroll of raise dead available as well, and Blaze was brought back to life.

After looting the dungeon, they came back out to find that there is ash everywhere, as well as three statues of gorgeous women wearing tattered robes, but looking complacent in their lives. Numerous people passed out on the floor, now flesh and bone, resemble the statues that were around beforehand. The party return back to Lady Gray to inform her of their success in the mines, and they are thanked for their heroics, and given their payment.

However, the child that the party had saved from beforehand had gone missing again, and the party was asked to seek him out yet again.

The party go to the childs home, and start looking for where he might be, and figured out that it was the Erinyes who took him before. They go to the erinyes, who aparently called for an inevitable to judge the party for failing to uphold their end of the bargain. Kaelyn was informed she had until the end of the week to find a home for the Erinyes, before she could do with the child as she pleased.

The inevitable then turned to Rea, and informed that, somehow, she garnered information that was not of this world, and would need to repent her sins, and destroy the source of the information that needed to be removed. Rea also accepted, and her memories of the information that she gained were annulled.

The party splits up, with kaelyn taking care of the building for the erinyes, and for Rea going out of her way to take out the hellgate.

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