War Pigeon
Before him stood a great beast, dripping in blood like his own sword. It stood on four stilt like legs while its beaked head was chomping away at his platoon. It didn't take long for the feathered creature to look at him, and decide that this soldier was to be his next meal.mechanics
War Pigeon
Creature Basics: | Large Magical Beast |
HP: | 36 (+6/HD) |
Initiative: | 1 |
Speed: | 50ft |
Defences: | AC 20, SR 19 |
BAB/Grapple/Reach: | 6/-2/ 10ft |
Attacks: | 2 Claws +9 Melee , Bite +4 Melee , Black Cloud |
Special Abilities: | Darkvision 60ft |
Saves: | Fort: 7. Ref: 6. Will: 4 |
Abilities: | Str 19 (4) , Dex 13 (1) , Con 14 (2) , Int 11 (0) , Wis 14 (2) , Cha 16 (3) |
Skills: | Athletics (Str) (+21), Balance (Dex) +10, Sneak (Dex) (+10), Perception (Wis) (+11), Persuasion (Cha) (+5), Sense Motive (Wis) (+11) |
Feats: | Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack |
Equipment: | Double Standard |
Advancement: | Up to 12HD (Large Up to 18 HD (Huge) |
Unlike most other magical beasts, the war pigeon's natural attacks can bypass all forms of aligned DR, and they are quick to move up to an opponent and attack them as quickly as possible.
Because of their high spell resistance, they will usually leave mages alone, attacking creatures in armor first, unless one of the war pigeons is hit by a spell, at which point all of them will flock towards the offending mage, should the source be known. War pigeons are smart enough to attack easily identified arcane spellcasters before divine spellcasters if there is ever a disagreement on who to fight.
Should a casters defenses prove to be too harsh, they will try and get as many creatures arround them as possible and let lose their black cloud ability, and let the insane ones fight their battles for them while they clean up shop.
Black Cloud (Ex): 3/day, create a 10ft area around and on them that forces a DC 15 Fort save. Should the save fail, the creatures that failed are affected as if confused for 3 hours. All creatures hit by the black clouds area take 4 damage. The save DC is Con based.
Basic Information
A war pigeon stands on four legs, supporting a plump, feathered body and a head that looks like any normal bird of large size. At the end of each leg supports a clawed talon that it uses to rend its opponents for easier eating.
Genetics and Reproduction
Once a year, a war pigeon that has been properly fed will lay an egg that gestates for 3 months before creating a new war pigeon. This will continue until a flock reaches a population of 8, where two war pigeons will lay eggs, and split off into flocks of 5 each.
Due to the magical nature of the war pigeons, they always seem to thrive in areas of permanent warefare, and have been known to pop into existence in an area that becomes such an area. Areas that have had constant, daily warfare for 10+ years are known to spawn war pigeons.
Due to the magical nature of the war pigeons, they always seem to thrive in areas of permanent warefare, and have been known to pop into existence in an area that becomes such an area. Areas that have had constant, daily warfare for 10+ years are known to spawn war pigeons.
Growth Rate & Stages
War pigeons tend to live for 25 hours should a source of food be readilly available.
Dietary Needs and Habits
War pigeons are opportunistic scavengers, but strict carvivores. They will eat any dead meat on a battlefield, but should none persist, they will hunt down slower opponents with pack hunting tactics. A war pigeon on its own is unlikely to survive outside of an active battlefield.
Additional Information
Uses, Products & Exploitation
The war pidgeon contains a third lung that creates a cloud of black vapor. This vapor can cause a mental fog in whoever it comes into contact with. When harvested properly, this lung can provide a benefit to any Mind Affecting spell dealing with mental clouding, such as insanity or confustion.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
War pigeons can see for 60ft in darkness, but otherwise have normal hearing, and no other extra powers related to its senses.
25 years
Average Height
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
War pigeons tend to have bright colorful feathers on them to help call out new mates. This variety is as varied as the different birds found throughout the world.
Geographic Distribution