Ramiel Character in Pokeau | World Anvil
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Ramiel (a.k.a. Necrozma)

Ramiel used to be an all powerful being who caused fear in the hearts of millions, if not billions. Their constructive force threatened Ultra Space as a whole, and they had no sign of stopping their rampage. That was, until their parent, the Skymother, sacrificed herself to seal Ramiel forever. Now, they're trapped in Megalo Tower for an eternity to pay for their crimes.
Those alive now don't know the name Ramiel, only the name Necrozma - a name given to them by survivors of their massacres, which has since been passed down and become the name the general populace knows them as.

Divine Domains

Destruction, fear

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ramiel's heart, or the prism in their chest. Otherwise, they're symbolized by prisms in general.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ramiel wishes for nothing more than to get attention from their elusive parent, Arceus, but when that had initially failed, Ramiel turned to destruction, vowing to reduce everything in their path to nothing if it meant getting attention from Arceus. They also seek vengeance on Arceus in a way, as it's their relation to them the caused their body to be deformed.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Similarly to Skymother and Arceus, Ramiel can shift between various forms, including a neutral 'humanoid' form. However, due to relation to Arceus, all forms beyond their humanoid form become progressively more prismatic and unidentifiable.
While Ramiel is an ancient being, their physical humanoid appearance resembles a 18-19 year old (and let's be real, so does their attitude.)

Identifying Characteristics

Ramiel has three central identifying features only they posses: Their claw, their wings, and their 'heart' - the prism in their chest.
Ramiel's claw is a permanent attachment that stays with them in any form they take, and occupies where the lower half of their left arm should be. The claw is black and prismatic, with three 'fingers' at the end.
Ramiel's wings are large black prisms that sprout from their back, and are quite heavy.
Ramiel's heart is the central of their being, and their one 'weak point'. It permanently resides in their chest in humanoid form, but can shift around as they change forms.

Special abilities

Ramiel has a large arsenal of powerful attacks at their disposal, many of which require the absorption of light. Ramiel has the ability to capture and absorb light as a power source for themself, which results in the area light was taken from becoming dark until Ramiel chooses to return the light, which they often don't.
Their most infamous and powerful ability is that of creating a powerful beam of energy from their claw, and unleashing it - this blast can destroy anything in it's path effortlessly. The claw itself is also quite powerful in melee, but Ramiel prefers to fly around and rain destruction from above.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Good luck
Divine Classification
Hybrid god
Current Location
Black, with yellow pupils
Pitch black, with the lower half resembling a starry night sky.
Ruled Locations

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Character Portrait image: by ME BABEY


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