Mocsárny Species in Points of Radiance | World Anvil
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  Clicking sounds fill the air, followed by a piercing scream as another falls victim to the mocsárny. Also called bog horrors, these multi-legged creatures are mostly found in the Nyr Woods in the Swamps of Vörövisz, raised as a product of the foul magics at play here and the rotting material lying around. In the waterlogged swamps animal materials, fungi and wood decay much slower, and these form the essential pieces of the creatures known as the bog horrors, or mocsárbor. Their bodies are enhanced by necromantic energies and significantly more powerful than a normal animal's, able to leap great distances. They utilize echolocation to find their prey, which makes notable clicking noises in the process.   Bog horrors are less intelligent than most humanoids, but they are still quite capable of working together and utilizing tactics to ambush their prey. They are adept climbers and capable of leaping great distances, which they use to great effect to approach enemies from unusual angles. They then drag their prey to themselves using their long tongue-like appendages before biting down and holding them in place. While they are latched onto their prey, they drain them of their life essence until they are nothing but empty husks.

Intelligence and Behavior

As mentioned they are not entirely without thought, but bog horrors are far from an intelligent or social species. They rely on their warped instincts and will viciously attack nearly all living creatures, although they will avoid anything that looks too tough for them to handle. Occasionally they have been seen working together with the plant creatures that infest the Nyr Woods, which has gotten people to theorize that they may originate from the same creator or have the same master.   They are not technically living in the usual sense, and they require no sleep or sustenance. As such, they are very patient hunters, capable of and willing to stalk their prey for extended periods of time until an opening presents itself. While they are still susceptible to conventional injuries, they show no signs of being able to feel pain and they will often fight until the bitter end.


[5th Edition D&D]
by Ramirez de Souza
Geographic Distribution

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Cover image: by Ramirez de Souza


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