Ildovad Character in Points of Radiance | World Anvil
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A.k.a Queen of Blades, The Conqueress


Suggested Domains (D&D 5E)
Death, War, Nature, Forge

  Ildovad's Words (Godbound)
Alacrity, Command, Death, Endurance, Might, Sword

One of two major divinities in the Swamps of Vörövisz, and likely one of the most powerful in the world after conquering and consuming numerous minor divinities. Ildovad is a powerful goddess bearing the aspects of Martial Prowess, Savagery, Fearlessness, Endings and Destined Death. These fall under the greater domains of War and Death.   She is the representation of the natural conflict that occurs between all creatures, the fights and hunts that allow animals and people to survive. War is often considered to fall under the purview of inflicted death by many, but Ildovad and her followers do not see this the same way. In her eyes, all beasts fight to live, to survive and to protect their kin. It is murder, certainly, but it is part of the cycle.   While a divinity of war and conquest, she is not necessarily aggressive by nature. She is a way at least. Her dogma says that to live, one must accept that they are already dead. If life is like a river, then the end point is set. To fear that end, to fear death, is to fear being on the river, and thus alive, at all. And when we look around at the end of the road, the river that seemed full of forks is now straight and we realize that there is only one way things could have gone. Because we are what we are, and to argue with destiny is to argue with a river. Which is to say, it is utterly pointless. There is no reason to fear anything, so we may live each day knowing that we could die and that there's no way we could have avoided it. But rather than worrying about that fate, we should soldier on.   This attitude does not mean that she shies away from conflict, she is a war goddess after all. Conquest is in her blood. And she has conquered numerous other divinities, absorbing them into her whole. She does not care much for civilization however, and rather than try to create a large empire, these conquered villages have been turned into military outposts.   Her dislike for civilization comes from that natural instinct for freedom, while civilization can hold people down. Slavery comes in many forms, and custom and poverty can bind people as well as any chain. What people call civilization is just another way to control people, to wipe away the facts of what was done to create a larger realm. We do not blame the animals for claiming their territory and fighting for their own survival, but people will conquer far more than they need to satisfy their own selfish desires and then call it civilization.   In her mind, if she were to justify her conquests as being necessary for the greater good of civilization, she would be denying the bloody reality of war. She would be glorifying her conquests and actively looking for more to take, rather than fighting on that natural instinct to claim and mark territory for one's own survival. To live is to fight, but to fight where needed. In essence, she finds the idea of using civilization as an excuse for conquest, nothing but a cowardly form of murder.  


In the mid-western part of the swamps lies the largest lake in the area, which surrounds an island lined by rocks. At the center of this island lies the hallow of Ildovad, a throne built entirely of boar tusks of varying sizes. Some of these must have been from giant boars, or perhaps some other beast. Around this throne, her followers built a city on the island and wooden piles submerged in the waters around it.  


Her appearance and depictions of it may vary at times, but generally she appears as a tall, muscular woman with four arms and huge boar tusks (in some depictions her entire head is boar-like). She is generally armored and wields a different weapon in each hand. From her body and armor sprout natural protrusions and spines that give her the appearance of some kind of fearsome animal pin-cushioned with spears and arrows, or bones and tusks.


Naturally her followers are warriors through and through. They train day in and out, both in practice and fighting off the plant creatures that dominate the swamps where her domain stretches through. They are spread thin simply guarding against the monsters because of how much her domain has grown, but they do so without complaint. They know their end is set, so they are fearless. This makes for an exceptionally effective fighting force, and if they were ever to clean out the forests and set their sights on the territory of another divinity, they would be a serious threat.   Her priests are often accomplished fighters who have retired to a teaching role, where they can tutor future generations on effective combat tactics derived from their experience. They create specific training grounds in each outpost for this, and they make it a point to be practiced with every weapon.


Those who devote themselves to a divinity are sometimes rewarded for it, especially when they perform extraordinary actions. Ildovad rewards her faithful when they prove themselves in battle, and when they bring others to their destined deaths. She also respects bravery and heroism, but dislikes overt displays of dominance or those who conquer with the intention of dominating others. She is revolted by those who run due to fear. Retreating to fight another day is sensible, but there is no need for fear in one's heart.   Her blessings grant her people strength. Her beliefs grant them conviction and ability to overcome all fear. Her warriors are machines of combat, and those who are devoted start to display traits similar to their goddess. They grow spikes from their body and armor that give them the appearance of savage beasts when poorly lit. Her saints are experts in battle and warfare who radiate fearless determination and grant not a single opening to their enemy, whilst striking back with surgical precision.   Piety Rewards (D&D 5E)
Earning Piety:
  • Win a battle against a creature or person more powerful than you (refer to e.g. CR).
  • Display exceptional bravery in the face of possible death.
  • Destroy intelligent undead or creatures who have otherwise tried to avert their death.
  • Raising or restoring a monument to Ildovad.
  • Expanding the domain of Ildovad.
Losing Piety:
  • Running away in fear. Especially when it means abandoning comrades.
  • Trying to avert your death through means of undeath or otherwise.
  • Dominating and controlling others, or fighting to that pursuit.
  • Destroying a monument or totem to Ildovad.
Ildovad's Devotee.
(Piety 3+ Trait)
As long as you fight without fear, you have the divine strength of the divinity Ildovad at your side. You can cast divine favor with this trait, a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.   Ildovad's Votary.
(Piety 10+ Trait; Minimum Level 6)
Spines and other protrusions begin to grow from your body and armor. When a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to deal 2d4 piercing damage to them. This increases to 3d4 at level 11, and 4d4 at level 17.   Ildovad's Disciple.
(Piety 25+ Trait; Minimum Level 11)
Whatever remnant of fear you still had, you've learnt to overcome it all entirely, no matter how dire the situation. You can also derive strength from sending others on to their destined end. You can't be frightened. In addition, once per turn when you bring a creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your level.   Saint of Combat.
(Piety 50+ Trait; Minimum Level 17)
You are veteran of many battles, a master of combat and you radiate an aura of confidence around you. You can activate this ability as a bonus action, and it lasts for 1 minute. For the duration you gain the following benefits: allies within 30 feet of you can't be frightened, enemies within 30 feet of you can't gain advantage on attack rolls against you, and your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Myths of Ildovad

  The Blood-Father's Courting
It is said that Vératya once tried to court the Conqueress Ildovad. But while she respected him, she also said she would only ever pay the time of day to a man who could best her in a feat of strength. The Blood-Father, being quite confident in his physical capabilities accepted her challenge. They performed such feats for three days and three nights, from sparring to tough labor. But while he impressed her, she nevertheless beat him at every challenge and he saw that with only one hand he would never win. When she questioned him whether he'd ever in his life displayed more strength than her, the idea struck him. He pointed to his child, the Leviathan, and held out a knife to her. "Can you sacrifice one of your own hands for your people?", he asked. It wasn't a serious question and she knew, but it impressed her nonetheless. They never ended up being true lovers, but ever since they seemed to have had a good deal of respect for each other. They also had a child together that represents the Cycle of Life (and Death).
  Wild Child
Long ago, while she was still weaker and embroiled in a difficult war, Ildovad had a difficult sleep. But in her dreams she was visited by the Turul bird, who told her she would soon find a potential ally. When she woke nothing seemed to have changed, but in the coming weeks and then months she could feel something welling up inside her. But the war kept raging on and her people needed her, so she made a difficult decision. She pulled the new life out of herself while it was still incomplete and tossed it out in the woods. The girl had not grown to become a full Blessed , but she was still more than strong enough to survive. Ever since she has wandered through the woods, naked and only covered by her hair that reached one and a half times her length and wrapped around her. Travelers who spotted her would call her the Vadléany, or "wild child".
  Craag the Tyrant
There are other creatures beside the divine that have the strength and authority to rule over lesser creatures. Giants are on such example, and in particular their eldest, the Titans. Craag was such a titan born from the earth. He dragged himself from out between the mountains of the Tukhamu Magas and stomped his way towards Vörövisz, where he quickly became a feared tyrant. One of Ildovad's first great challenges was to deal with this despot, as he threatened one of her outposts. Her main advantage came from her followers however, who were much more disciplined and fearless than Craag's who simply followed him out of fear. Fearing that he might lose, he challenged Ildovad to a duel, which she accepted of course. Craag showed up late to the duel, presumably in an attempt to psych her out, bearing a giant club fashioned from a whole tree. He pretended to be unimpressed to her rile her up further, but this did not sway the Conqueress who managed to push her spear past his guard and pierce his heart. He fell down to the ground and petrified like others of his kind, forming a gigantic mountain in the process. A river of blood still streams eternally from the wound in his chest, the only part not petrified thanks to the spear that is still stuck, and a pool of it forming at his feet.

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