Bukavac Species in Points of Radiance | World Anvil
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Interestingly enough, the woods of Vörövisz are home to surprisingly few demons. Likely because the fey and blighted plants have crowded them out. But the bukavac has managed to maintain a high profile here as a dangerous type of predatory demon that is feared by many.   Born from the nightmares people have of the dark lake waters, it is not surprising that it resides in the swampy waters. It is lithe, and its gnarly body possesses a total of six legs/arms which allow it to move quickly and navigate the forested terrain well. It can run on two, four or six legs and can climb most surfaces with ease. Its head is adorned by stag-like antlers, but its most notable aspect is its roar which can be heard from many miles, and even from underwater. Like all demons it corrupts the area around it, particularly the waters which become hyper-conductive to sound.

Intelligence and Behavior

It is a predator pur sang. It is fast, strong and eats living creatures whole, body and soul. It will usually pin a target down and choke them to death. They are also immensely prideful when it comes to their own personal strength. They may lurk in the water waiting for a creature to pass by, but they will never use dirty tricks or traps. To them a feast is only complete if it is preceded by a good fight (or a struggle at least).   If it sees a larger group it will use its roar to announce its presence and then pick out the strongest-looking individual and target them first. They delight in crushing a group's leader, while its followers scatter or are frozen stiff by fear.


[5th Edition D&D]
Geographic Distribution

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