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I have 1000 words to fill up and I don't feel like explaining myself so I strictly refuse. I will post the first 1000 words that I find. This list originally was copied from Wikipedia:simple:Wikipedia:List of 1000 basic words. All listed nouns are in the singular form only. All listed verbs are infinitive except for irregular verbs (e.g. to be).   List may be useful to teachers of English as a second language or for teachers or parents of young children learning to read and spell. Various writers may also find this list useful.   A   a, about, above, across, act, active, activity, add, afraid, after, again, age, ago, agree, air, all, alone, along, already, always, am, amount, an, and, angry, another, answer, any, anyone, anything, anytime, appear, apple, are, area, arm, army, around, arrive, art, as, ask, at, attack, aunt, autumn, away. B   baby, base, back, bad, bag, ball, bank, basket, bath, be, bean, bear, beautiful, beer, bed, bedroom, behave, before, begin, behind, bell, below, besides, best, better, between, big, bird, birth, birthday, bit, bite, black, bleed, block, blood, blow, blue, board, boat, body, boil, bone, book, border, born, borrow, both, bottle, bottom, bowl, box, boy, branch, brave, bread, break, breakfast, breathe, bridge, bright, bring, brother, brown, brush, build, burn, business, bus, busy, but, buy, by. C   cake, call, can, candle, cap, car, card, care, careful, careless, carry, case, cat, catch, central, century, certain, chair, chance, change, chase, cheap, cheese, chicken, child, children, chocolate, choice, choose, circle, city, class, clever, clean, clear, climb, clock, cloth, clothes, cloud, cloudy, close, coffee, coat, coin, cold, collect, colour, comb, come, comfortable, common, compare, complete, computer, condition, continue, control, cook, cool, copper, corn, corner, correct, cost, contain, count, country, course, cover, crash, cross, cry, cup, cupboard, cut. D   dance, dangerous, dark, daughter, day, dead, decide, decrease, deep, deer, depend, desk, destroy, develop, die, different, difficult, dinner, direction, dirty, discover, dish, do, dog, door, double, down, draw, dream, dress, drink, drive, drop, dry, duck, dust, duty. E   each, ear, early, earn, earth, east, easy, eat, education, effect, egg, eight, either, electric, elephant, else, empty, end, enemy, enjoy, enough, enter, equal, entrance, escape, even, evening, event, ever, every, everyone, exact, everybody, examination, example, except, excited, exercise, expect, expensive, explain, extremely, eye. F   face, fact, fail, fall, false, family, famous, far, farm, father, fast, fat, fault, fear, feed, feel, female, fever, few, fight, fill, film, find, fine, finger, finish, fire, first, fit, five, fix, flag, flat, float, floor, flour, flower, fly, fold, food, fool, foot, football, for, force, foreign, forest, forget, forgive, fork, form, fox, four, free, freedom, freeze, fresh, friend, friendly, from, front, fruit, full, fun, funny, furniture, further, future. G   game, garden, gate, general, gentleman, get, gift, give, glad, glass, go, goat, god, gold, good, goodbye, grandfather, grandmother, grass, grave, great, green, grey, ground, group, grow, gun. H   hair, half, hall, hammer, hand, happen, happy, hard, hat, hate, have, he, head, healthy, hear, heavy, hello, help, heart, heaven, height, hen, her, here, hers, hide, high, hill, him, his, hit, hobby, hold, hole, holiday, home, hope, horse, hospital, hot, hotel, house, how, hundred, hungry, hour, hurry, husband, hurt. I   I, ice, idea, if, important, in, increase, inside, into, introduce, invent, iron, invite, is, island, it, its. J   jelly, job, join, juice, jump, just. K   keep, key, kill, kind, king, kitchen, knee, knife, knock, know. L   ladder, lady, lamp, land, large, last, late, lately, laugh, lazy, lead, leaf, learn, leave, leg, left, lend, length, less, lesson, let, letter, library, lie, life, light, like, lion, lip, list, listen, little, live, lock, lonely, long, look, lose, lot, love, low, lower, luck. M   machine, main, make, male, man, many, map, mark, market, marry, matter, may, me, meal, mean, measure, meat, medicine, meet, member, mention, method, middle, milk, million, mind, minute, miss, mistake, mix, model, modern, moment, money, monkey, month, moon, more, morning, most, mother, mountain, mouth, move, much, music, must, my. N   name, narrow, nation, nature, near, nearly, neck, need, needle, neighbour, neither, net, never, new, news, newspaper, next, nice, night, nine, no, noble, noise, none, nor, north, nose, not, nothing, notice, now, number. O   obey, object, ocean, of, off, offer, office, often, oil, old, on, one, only, open, opposite, or, orange, order, other, our, out, outside, over, own. P   page, pain, paint, pair, pan, paper, parent, park, part, partner, party, pass, past, path, pay, peace, pen, pencil, people, pepper, per, perfect, period, person, petrol, photograph, piano, pick, picture, piece, pig, pin, pink, place, plane, plant, plastic, plate, play, please, pleased, plenty, pocket, point, poison, police, polite, pool, poor, popular, position, possible, potato, pour, power, present, press, pretty, prevent, price, prince, prison, private, prize, probably, problem, produce, promise, proper, protect, provide, public, pull, punish, pupil, push, put. Q   queen, question, quick, quiet, quite. R   radio, rain, rainy, raise, reach, read, ready, real, really, receive, record, red, remember, remind, remove, rent, repair, repeat, reply, report, rest, restaurant, result, return, rice, rich, ride, right, ring, rise, road, rob, rock, room, round, rubber, rude, rule, ruler, run, rush. S   sad, safe, sail, salt, same, sand, save, say, school, science, scissors, search, seat, second, see, seem, sell, send, sentence, serve, seven, several, sex, shade, shadow, shake, shape, share, sharp, she, sheep, sheet, shelf, shine, ship, shirt, shoe, shoot, shop, short, should, shoulder, shout, show, sick, side, signal, silence, silly, silver, similar, simple, single, since, sing, sink, sister, sit, six, size, skill, skin, skirt, sky, sleep, slip, slow, small, smell, smile, smoke, snow, so, soap, sock, soft, some, someone, something, sometimes, son, soon, sorry, sound, soup, south, space, speak, special, speed, spell, spend, spoon, sport, spread, spring, square, stamp, stand, star, start, station, stay, steal, steam, step, still, stomach, stone, stop, store, storm, story, strange, street, strong, structure, student, study, stupid, subject, substance, successful, such, sudden, sugar, suitable, summer, sun, sunny, support, sure, surprise, sweet, swim, sword. T   table, take, talk, tall, taste, taxi, tea, teach, team, tear, telephone, television, tell, ten, tennis, terrible, test, than, that, the, their, then, there, therefore, these, thick, thin, thing, think, third, this, though, threat, three, tidy, tie, title, to, today, toe, together, tomorrow, tonight, too, tool, tooth, top, total, touch, town, train, tram, travel, tree, trouble, true, trust, twice, try, turn, type. U   uncle, under, understand, unit, until, up, use, useful, usual, usually. V   vegetable, very, village, voice, visit. W   wait, wake, walk, want, warm, wash, waste, watch, water, way, we, weak, wear, weather, wedding, week, weight, welcome, well, west, wet, what, wheel, when, where, which, while, white, who, why, wide, wife, wild, will, win, wind, window, wine, winter, wire, wise, wish, with, without, woman, wonder, word, work, world, worry, worst, write, wrong.   Y   year, yes, yesterday, yet, you, young, your. Z   zero, zoo. See also[edit] Wiktionary:Basic English Word List Categories: English appendicesBasic word lists by language Navigation menu Not logged inTalkContributionsPreferencesCreate accountLog inAppendixDiscussionReadEditHistorySearch   Search Wiktionary Go Main Page Community portal Preferences Requested entries Recent changes Random entry Help Glossary Donations Contact us Tools What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information   In other languages Nederlands Polski Add links Print/export Create a book Download as PDF Printable version If you have time, leave us a note.   This page was last edited on 6 February 2018, at 19:41. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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