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The vast, empty sea stretches endlessly in all directions. The only shape that breaks the horizon is gigantic tree, standing firm upon a hill that rises from the waves like the shell of a sea turtle. A lonely castle is built around the base of the tree, but its inner walls have been crushed by the growth of its trunk. Around the kingdom is all that remains of civilization. The surviving people, left with no history or heritage of their own, still share the wistful tales of the old lands that their ancestors conquered; of the days of adventure and heroism, when the kingdom expanded throughout the known world, and man ruled with the sword of civilization in one hand, and the harp of culture in the other... but those days are long gone; those lands long since swallowed by the sea.   It was once rumored that far, far away, deep below the surface of the sea lay the forgotten land of mankind's early ancestors. The first man was said to have pursued the mighty sun to this distant land, in hopes of reuniting with the cosmos from which he had fallen. It was there, when man in his defiant hubris gazed upon the face of god, that his eyes were opened, and he saw his doomed world for what it truly was. And it was then that the rains began to pour.

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