Kalypso Geographic Location in Phidas | World Anvil
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Kalypso is a darkish-red moon and one of two moons that orbit Phidas. Kalypso is the farther moon, visible for only about half the year with an unknown origin. Despite its smaller size and general lack of effect on the world of Phidas, the legends surrounding it almost match its counterpart Auria in their amount, its nature marking it as a mystery that's been studied throughout the history of the planet.
  Kalypso is the smaller, farther moon of Phidas' duo. It has no impact on light and its effects on lycanthropes are limited, but present occasionally. Kalypso is a bit under half the size of Auria, with a radius of roughly 807.6km. Its shape is that of a perfect sphere, its surface marred with scattered craters and seemingly ever-present storms that travel across the moon's surface. Kalypso, from what has been observed, appears to be inhospitable to life but the existence of the magical storms that wander its surface implies that certain lifeforms could theoretically survive off the ambient magic alone.
  Kalypso completes its orbit around Phidas after roughly a year, taking 359.82 days to finish. During about half of that period, its visible from Phidas. Kalypso is only ever seen in its full, complete form from the surface of Phidas but its slow movements can be seen throughout the days. For half of the days it's visible, it can only be spotted during the daytime. For the other half, it can only be spotted during night. Kalypso can enter one of 3 eclipses: When it and Asra reach a syzygy, when it and Auria syzygy and when all three of the celestial bodies align. When Kalypso and Auria syzygy, it is known as a Velos eclipse. When Kalypso and Asra align, it's known as a Xyrian eclipse and when all of the celestial bodies align, it's known as a true eclipse. 
  Though Kalypso holds no sway over tides nor light on the surface of Phidas, many consider its effects to be of much more importance. Kalypso, for reasons unknown, has the ability to impact the ambient magics of Phidas while it is present. Usually, the effects are fairly unnoticeable but during 2 of Phidas' 6 seasons, Ardorfall and Hearthwake, its effects hit a spike. During Ardorfall, Kalypso is only visible during the night and actions of powerful ritualistic magic may have more unpredictable but potent effects. Additionally during the two full moons that occur in this period of time, lycanthropes suffer from their curse in a much more potent level. During Hearthwake, Kalypso is only visible during the day and the actions of more powerful general effects may become gain these more unpredictable, but powerful effects. Additionally for 2 Null or Sect moon nights that occur during the season, creatures of the moon (such as the moonrats) are gifted with more potent boons to whatever ability the moon(s) may have granted to them. During both periods of time, however, the unique magics wielded by creatures of the non-material planes are enhanced to different degrees. Fiends receiving the greatest boost in power and celestials gaining the least. 
  Perhaps due to its unusual nature and unknown origin, Kalypso has captured the attention of all the races that inhabit Phidas. To the aberrations, they consider it a most fascinating celestial body and one worth investigating. Beasts and Plants with intelligence fear its appearance, considering it an omen of sorts. To the Celestials, it's something to be wary of. Many consider the days of the year Kalypso is visible to be days to be watched carefully. To the Constructs, the unusual effects of the moon against technology consider it something to be feared, watched but also studied. The Dragons almost view it as humanoids might a particularly dangerous creature kept in a zoo. They are wary of its power and effects, but cannot help but be intrigued by it. Elementals find its unique effects to be empowering, making them often take more action or attempt to use more powerful magics on nights with Kalypso in sight. To the Fey, Kalypso is a symbol of the Unseelie. To those of the Seelie Court, they consider it to be a warning that the Unseelie will be more active and to the Unseelie, they consider its magical effects to be the perfect opportunity to enact chaos. To the Fiends, Monstrosities and Undead, Kalypso's appearance marks the perfect time to enact deals, bargains or simply to venture forth and do whatever they do with a little less restraint. The Giants feature Kalypso in their mythology frequently, and are generally wary and fearful of it. For the humanoids, they may feel anything the other races feel or nothing at all about Phidas' red moon. Notably however, it's featured in every mythology and holds prominence in some of the most famous stories the humanoids tell.
Planetoid / Moon

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