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Long ago a race of machines arrived in floating cities of gold and bronze, with advanced weapons and machines they overwhelmed the forces of men and elves, bringing forth the Malfryian Empire, where the Malforged would would for thousands of years. In order to further their control, the Malforged used massive machines that they arrived on to breath life into rock and metal, creating the Dwarves and Gnomes as servants.   This empire reigned for thousands of ears until the event, known as the Helian Outrage, occurred. A brilliant ball of fire and ice tore across the horizon of the planet before trailing off into the sun, the resulting explosion creating a burst that, for unkown reasons shut down the Malforged oppressors. The empire fell in an instant, not with a bang or cry, but with a whisper of solar winds. The people were free, the Malforged cities were abandoned and demolished, the systems that powered their technologies, much like the hearts of the people themselves had died.   Mankind and elfkind went off on their own to build their own great kingdoms while the Gnomes and Dwarves, freed from their creators, lived lives without boundaries and built mighty cities out of rock and stone. The orcs of the wild remained as they were and the Lizard folk of the Seas expanded ever greedily deeper into the dark. This would persist for nearly four thousands years as the ruins of the malforged cities sunk deeper into the earth and obscurity, and the remaining members of its once proud race becoming moss covered statues, shadows of an ancient age. It was then that mankind poured itself into magic, and through the millennia discovered a way to reactivate the long dead Malforged and their technology, a magical spark that could reignite the long dead fires.   This brought fear to the people of the Gnomes and Dwarves who fug fiercer into the ground seeking to find salvation deep away from the wrath of their makers. It was there that they found the Phear. In the center of the planet the peoples of stone and rock found a massive monster slumbering lazily and awoken it with their cries. Seeing its earth and metal corrupted by foreign magic enraged the giant and it clawed its way to the surface to destroy those that would taint the purity of the world. Reshaping the very layout of the planet, the powerful monster was eventually destroyed by the combined armies of all surface races, in its death throes releasing powerful miasma into the air that would create the Pherazones, random and chaotic storms of magical radiation that would mutate and alter all organic life that they fell upon. This all culminating in the most skilled mage of all time using an incredibly powerful spell to reach out into the magical programming of all the Malforged and wiping clean all remnants of their original masters, the act of which killed the man.   Leading to the current age, the malforged are wanderers from ancient times, homeless vagabonds with ancient bodies and the secrets to powerful technology hiding just outside of reach. The dwarves and gnomes gradually becoming a part of the world at whole now that the fear of their masters has subsided; humans and elves do battle with politics and armies for land and space while the orcs of the wilds push against all the civilised nations of the world. While the Saurians of the waters spread out and gradually probe the surface with the idea of conquest lurking behind their haunting eyes.

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