The Truth about Phasma Document in Phasmatum | World Anvil

The Truth about Phasma

— Scientist in the Free City of Fz   The world is under a mass hallucination and nobody seems to care. I suppose after nearly 500 years, myself and my family should join the crazies. And yet, from what I have heard of the so-called Phasmas, it only sows chaos and disrepair. Humans on the other side seem to have forgotten the great feats of mankind. Content to receive their entertainment from traveling storytellers when they could be watching the latest episode of The Matchmaker. Happy with traveling by railway or little electric vehicles, forgetting the fact that we took a space shuttle to arrive on this planet. Don’t get me wrong, our technology needed to adapt so that we didn’t inadvertently destroy another planet. I know better than most about the dangers that come from burning fossil fuels.   Because I’ve actually read our history on Earth.   But the solution isn’t to go back to before the Industrial Age and leave well-enough alone. And it certainly isn’t to waste all our time on meaningless prayers to made up creators in hopes that one will send you rain.   Or whatever it is that people pray to nowadays. I thought it was a foregone conclusion that God was just a fairy tale made up in our psyches in order to comfort us against the probably of death. Those rules were created so we didn’t all kill each other before science caught up to tell us why these things are wrong.   I don’t believe those illusions for a moment. And if the Phasmatum Council would just allow us to operate Faraday Domes in all cities, it wouldn’t be long before people realized that they were all suffering from delusions. But of course, 90% of the Council is suffering from the illusions as well.   And so, I’ll stay in my city, safe from the lies, until we can find such as way to dispel the toxin in the air permanently.
Text, Philosophical


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