Kuvonee Species in Phasmatum | World Anvil


Kuvonee is the general term that humans use to define the sentient species who originated from Phasmatum. The word originated from the hunter Nyütlo that humans met when landing on the planet. This was the term they used to describe their world. Over time, humans discovered that all of the cultures and species that they encountered called the world by that same name: Kuvonee. However, none could tell humans what the word meant or where it originated.   And so, they all became the people of Kuvonee in humans' eyes, even as the humans chose to call the planet by their own name: Phasmatum.   The people of Kuvonee differ in physical appearance, innate abilities, and cultural norms and values. However, the one thing which they all share is a strange birth mark. The birthmark, which each species calls by a different name, is raised slightly above their skin. The outline is always shaped into a perfectly symmetrical hexagram. At first thought to be some sort of self-mutilation, humans later discovered that not only were the Kuvonee people born with this mark, but it provided them with innate abilities. Although these abilities differ by species, each of their abilities are tied to an empathic power.  

People of Kuvonee

  Nyütlo   The Nyütlo were the first people that humans encountered after arriving on Phasmatum. At the time, they were living as hunters in plains of what is now Station City Sanctuary. The Nyütlo are a carnivorous species by necessity; however, most seem to hold a reverence for the animals they kill. They are a bipedel digitgrade species with sharpened teeth and pointed ears which stick out horizontally from under their hair. Nyütlo have long tails, which many enjoy fashioning into braids and retractable claws on their hands and feet. Despite their formidable appearance, Nyütlo have dubbed their birthmark as Blissmark. It allows them to understand the emotions of people around them, which makes them unparalleled lie detectors. So much so that there isn't even a word for "lie" or "untruth" in the Nyütlo language. The largest Nyütlo settlement, Kobgür loosely translated as The Tranquil Kingdom, is located in the central part of the Anacora continent. Kobgür, which was originally established around 350 AL, is resistant to any outside influences--especially of humans--and rarely allows non-citizens beyond their walls.     Kałceba   The Kałceba was the only species who had already settled into permanent communities before humans arrived. Some postulate that this is because their main source of food is fish, so they were able to find a permanent food source without the need to travel. Kałceba live near oceans and rivers, as their skin needs constant hydration. Contrary to popular belief, the Kałceba are unable to breath underwater. Even so, their appearance is very marine-like. Instead of hair, they have tiny tentacles growing from their heads, which act as a deterrent for predators and they have the ability to change the color and texture of their skin with only a thought. Although many look human enough if you squint, some Kałceba are born with pink or blue-gray skin. Kałceba also have the ability to change their biological sex. Humans are most interested in the plants they use to accomplish this feat; scientists hope they will be able to create a more effective drug for trans-individuals which will provide for a simpler transition phase. The Kałceba are able to use their birthmark, which they call the Seamark, in order to communicate with sea creatures. However, this hasn't stopped them from eating those sea creatures as well.   When humans first arrived, the Kałceba were centered primarily on the islands off the coast of the Noomar continent; since that time, they have spread across Anacora and Noomar. However, their original communities still exists; the Dullo settlements have always been welcoming towards humans and many of their kind have taken up jobs or attended universities in human settlements. However, most of them return to their home islands when they are ready to raise a family.     Vlektso   The Vlektso can be found throughout the world. However, humans' first encounter with one of their cultural groups from Noomar resulted in multiple wars over the last millenia. Although humans brokered a ceasefire with the Vlektso of Noomar, diplomatic relations with their empire are tense at best. Vlektso in Noomar are known for their relationship with the Vaukela, which at one time was nearly hunted into extinction. It is believed that this is what first began the Noomar wars.   The Vlektso have wooly hair which reaches down to their back and across their shoulders. They are especially dexterous, with long fingers and toes, which can be used to grasp items. Their horizontal pupils suggest some bovine ancestry, but their ability to move rapidly through trees is decidedly simian. Most Vlektso are vegetarians. Some only eat fruits, nuts, and mushrooms, abhorring modern agricultural methods which grow plants only to later kill them. Humans postulate this is why they continued their gathering ways centuries after humans arrived. Even so, many Vlektso cultures have now created permanent settlements.   Their birthmark, which they call the Beastmark, allows them to communicate with animals. It is postulated that this is why nearly all Vlektso are vegetarians. There is a legend among their kind that if a Vlektso eats a particular creature, they will be able to take the form of this creature. During the wars, soldiers wrote of such Beast-Men on the battlefield, but most humans believe that these tales are greatly exaggerated.     Skyfolk   There is a fourth species of Kuvonee of which humans are unaware. This species lives above the clouds on floating settlements which humans see only as shadows in the sky. All attempts at flying too high result in attacks by what can only be described as child-sized spider bats. As a result, air travel--particularly between continents--is rare. Even so, many airships brave the skies to capture these spider bats, as their webbing is used to make the strongest and most sought-after armor in Phasmatum. Few make it out alive. But the mystery of the "Skyfolk" and the flying bats is a topic for another day.
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