The Sky Bird - Divine Constellation Geographic Location in Phantobra | World Anvil
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The Sky Bird - Divine Constellation

The Sky bird, named after the animal Sky bird is a divine constellation representing Colibri, the goddess of nature and healing.
It consists of six stars, depicting a bird seen from above. Although many find the pattern of the constellation to be quite crude, most find the symbolism alone, to be a thing of beauty.
As with all divine constellations, the stars in it have a blue glow to them, hinting at their divine origin.
It is said that when a follower of The Light needs guidance or comfort, the constellation will be the clearest stars on the night sky, as a reminder that Colibri is always with you.


The Sky Bird has been on the night sky for as long as anyone can remember. Knowledge from the ancient times is very scarce, but it is believed that the constellation did not appear on the sky until Colibri ascended to godhood.   The Sky Bird has been a symbol of hope for many people. Many followers of The Light often find comfort in looking to the constellation above them.
Over the last decade, many of the elderly claim that the constellation has grown dimmer over the years. If it wasn't for elves supporting this claim, it would probably have been chalked up as being a decline in their eyesight.
No one knows why this is happening, but some believe it could be related to the fact that no one has shown any sign of divine powers for hundreds of years.
Alternative Name(s)
The Heaven Bird, Constellation of Colibri
Number of stars
A top-down view of a sky bird
Constellation Type
Symbolism for


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