The Dust War Military Conflict in Phantobra | World Anvil
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The Dust War

The Dust War was a war between the fairy farmers of Farland and the Feromone Fairies of Feromonas.

The beginning of the War

When the fairy farmers of Farland discovered that Feromone Fairy Dust, from the wings of Feromone Fairies was a very efficient fuel for refining mithrillium they immediately set out to capture huge amounts of the fairies, in order to breed them and farm their dust.

Surprise Attack

The Farlanders attacked Feromonas, the capital and only known city of the Feromone Fairies, and within hours, more than half the fairy population was killed or captured, and large parts of their city were destroyed. The Farlanders quickly realized that the fairies were more or less defenseless, despite their magical abilities, and attacked again and again, every time causing more devastation, and enslaving more of the fairy population.
Although the Farlanders had been capturing fairies, and selling them off as pets before the attack, the Feromone Fairies didn't see the war coming. There was no formal declaration of war, as the Farlanders did not acknowledge the fairies' sovereignty, and saw them only as inferior beings.

The End of the War

Before the first attack, there were more than twenty thousand fairies living in Feromonas. After the war that number was reduced to less than two thousand. Since the Feromone Fairies are a peaceful race, they were in no way prepared for any kind of combat, and no loses were reported on the Farlander's side.
The war would've continued if it wasn't for the coincidental discovery of the cure for Fairy Fungi, a disease spread to humans through infected Feromone Fairy Dust.
The key component in the cure was healthy Feromone Fairy Dust, which was not something the fairy farmers had readily available, as the living conditions of the captive fairies were miserable, and improving those to get the fairies sufficiently healthy, would greatly reduce their dust yield.
The Farlanders saw an opportunity and suggested a treaty, where the free faeries of Feromonas supplied the farmers with healthy Feromone Fairy Dust, and in return they wouldn't attack Feromonas.
Seeing no other alternatives the fairies agreed, and thus the short war was ended with The Farland Treaty. The war lasted a mere three weeks.
It should be noted that the Farlanders never acknowledged this event as a war, but merely a hunt for cattle. Some argue that they did, in fact, acknowledge the war, and thus the fairies sovereignty, the moment they signed the The Farland Treaty.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
The The Farland Treaty was created.
More than half of Feromonas population were enslaved or killed.
Feromonas Casualties
~18,000 dead or captured
Farland Casualties
It wasn't a war, it was simply a hunt for cattle for our farms, nothing more, nothing less.
— Marian Acosta, Fairy Farmer
You weren't there! The screams, the smoke, the fire! They grabbed my people, and put them in cages! Those that tried to resist, were killed! It was a massacre - It was an all-out war!
I don't care what the Farlanders say! They signed the treaty. As long as they acknowledge the treaty, they acknowledge the war, no matter how they try to bend it with their big words.
— Elder Viola of Feromonas


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