The Delight Tradition / Ritual in Phantobra | World Anvil
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The Delight

The Delight is a celebration of the light returning, after a whole month of night, known as The Sukilzvi.
The Delight is also known as The Feast of Light, a yearly event, where all the Temples of Light across the world invite everyone in for a comfortable chair and a meal, prepared by the Servants of Light.
The Delight is always on the first of Ersvi, the first day of the year.


When The Pact, the holy text of The Light, was written by The Protectors, they also created the Delight.
They decided to get married on the first day after The Sukilzvi, a month-long night. They knew that The Sukilzvi was a hard time for everyone, as such, they decided to invite everyone, regardless of status and renown, to their wedding. They called it The Delight, as they wanted it to be a joyous occasion. It was a way for the poor to get a decent meal, or for the lonely to have a chance of meeting new friends. At the same time, it served as a celebration for the return of the light.
The Protectors wedding day, also marks the start of the year, ever since the beginning of the second age.


Everyone participates, poor, rich, The Council of Elders, The Servants of Light, everyone that is willing and able, are allowed to attend, and everyone is there as an equal. Temple of Light opens its doors and everyone can enter the great hall, and get a place to sit and a good meal, in the comfort of the temple. There are no special seating or preferential treatment of any kind, at least that was the original philosophy.

The Delight in Aurora

In Aurora, capital of Erekiath, and holy city of The Light, not everyone is able to participate.
Aurora is divided into a central, and outer district. The rich and powerful live in the Central District, and the poor in the Outer District. You need special permission to enter the Central District, which means that the poor and homeless are not allowed in.
This causes a problem, as Temple of Light is located inside the Central District, which means that only the rich and powerful attend the Delight.
At The Delight in Aurora, the food is usually very luxurious, and some of the more powerful citizens do get preferential treatment, especially when it comes to seating arrangements. The seatings are usually arranged such that people that can benefit from each other are placed together, so they can plan to do profitable business throughout the year.


The Delight happens on the very first day of every year. Although many see it as a celebration of the end of The Sukilzvi, it is meant to be a way for everyone to get a good start on the new year, by getting a decent meal, which is not something everyone is able to get every day.
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