Sir Rank/Title in Phaldorya (Eng) | World Anvil


The power distribution in the regions, that were once or still are, under the control of the Dragon Empire observe a feudal system. Individuals, that have shown great devotion to the crown or the country, will be called to pay Homage of fealty in exchange for the power to rule over a certain portion of land, generally known as fief or fiefdom.




A local Sir represents the country, therefore has wide rights and prerogatives within the respect of the codices. Furthermore, the Sir would be able to get some income from the land, in form of a mandatory contribution that could be pain in the form of money or in a proportion of the goods produced. The usual taxation rate would be around a ten per cent of the production, however, additional taxes were levied in the case of commercial transactions.




The principal obbligation the Sir would be subject too is fealty. The vow pronounciated during the homage would vinculate the Sir to call to arms the people of their fief if the crown needed protection and to lead their army in battle, unless too elderly or sick. Furthermore, they were expected to protect the interests and the honor of their overlord.

Form of Address

Milord or milady

Alternative Naming

The title is very generic and often is substited by geographical variation or term more specific such as Sire, Marquis/Marquess, Duke/Duchess, Jarl/Jarla,Margrave/Margravine and many more

Source of Authority

A feudal overlord, that would to someone else in a pyramid scheme up to its apex

Length of Term

Usually life term, however, in the event of infidelity it may be revoked (usually life will not last much longer)


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