Human-Like Features in Perpetual Worlds | World Anvil

Human-Like Features

Rarely, some Arch Fey are born looking far more human than elf-like (perhaps as a result of having a human ancestor or random evolution).

The most noted of the human-looking Arch Fey, Vesstan of House Chosrien served as an Imperium spy & managed to embed himself among the top tier of Iron Blood society in the the Adamant Dominion. His warning of an impending invasion, managed to stop the Ice-Thorn War almost as soon as it had begun. His actions also cemented the common prejudice among the Imperium's populace that human-looking elves are all spies & secret agents.

Additional Aspect Adjustments

Non-Cosmetic Effects

Not all of the changes in human-looking Arch Fey are entirely cosmetic.
  • Choose either your Hearing, Scent or Vision Aspect & change it from the Superior version to the Standard version of the given Aspect.
  • -OR-
  • You choose to leave this Adjustment in the hands of fate. Gain +1% to your Destiny Trait & then Roll 1d6:
    • 1-2: Change your Hearing Aspect Aspect from Superior to Standard.
    • 3-4: Change your Scent Aspect Aspect from Superior to Standard.
    • 5-6: Change your Vision Aspect Aspect from Superior to Standard.
Aspect Type
  • Optional Birth Aspect
Actions Gained
  • None
Effects Gained Keywords Gained Conditions, Requirements & Restrictions