Atula Character in Per-Dei | World Anvil
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The mother deity of the Nurohmians.

Divine Domains

Fertility, ocean, sailors

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A fish hook coming out of a flower

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Atula is the main deity of the inhabitants of Nurohm. She was originally a goddess of sailors and maritime traders, but rapidly became the guardian of the Nurohmians in their harsh beginnings. The pirates being superstitious but not believing in god slowly accommodated to her. She has two Costal Wyvern pets, Tidri the blue one, and Adtu the red one. They were named after the first two wyvern riders, two children coming from the union of one of the pirates and one of the traders, and they each represent the horror of battle, and the beauty of birth.
Divine Classification

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