Leviathan Character in Pearl Directive | World Anvil
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Exploration Dreadnought Honorius (a.k.a. Levi)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

What is now the Leviathan creature, was once the dreadnought Honorius.
The Honorius was initially a wide bodied vessel to accommodate 900 crew members and tons and tons of materiel. Post-transformation, its length stole from its width and elongated time times its original schematics. It took on a slender and considerably flexible frame reminiscent of a squid.

Facial Features

Single Eye

A singularly large bulge that lies on the flat crown of the Honorius' cone head. It bares both biotic and mechanical components: a weird globular lens encaged by metal trusses in a dome-like shape.  


Metallic sheets, that were once the hanger bay doors, flex and bow in a regular pattern over several observable floors. These floors appear to have been adapted to act as sieves that filter the surrounding protoplasm, like a whale does plankton.

Identifying Characteristics

Six Arms

During the transformation; the 8 engine blocks, that comprised the aft, shot out of the main body while still attached to the ringed corridors that originally connected the segments of cargo mount outside the hull.

Two Tentacles

2 extra long arms whose engine tipped ends act as maneuvering thrusters. It is thought they got their extra length from the double helic corridors that were then pulled into a stringy taunt.

Physical quirks

Rotary Locomotion

Because the mechanical creature possess only one eye, it can only view one side of its body at a time. In order to build up better three dimensional awareness, it utilities its tentacle thrusters to continuously turn 360 degrees as it moves forward.

Special abilities

Radiation Cloud

The nuclear thrusters on the ends of its tentacles release large controlled bursts of radiation to obscure it from sensors or create a phantom profile of its presence that tricks its pursuers' as to its location.
I found Konungs in his dox with every electronic device fried beyond use.
— Daedalus finding the results of his bad advice


The leviathan, particularly in its earlier existence, was noticeably graceless in its movements. Much like a newborn, it tried a bunch of locomotive means including:
  • orienting the engines into the conventional push direction
  • orienting the engines into the reverse pull direction
I know I'm not the only seeing those flaps on its head?
— viewer discussion under a series of video recordings of the leviathan's movements
Much more mysteriously, however, the leviathan's electrified head contributes to short bursts of speed. No one knows specifically how it works, and it is Daedalus' driving motivation to bisect its workings. When Levi travels this way, it leaves behind peaks and troughs of protoplasmic waves that make it easier to track.

Personality Characteristics



The emergence disaster was not restricted to just the Honorius itself. Many loose fitting components, stored tools, stacked probes and parked drones also gained sentience alongside the ship.   These parasitic creatures formed into their own mobile ecosystem inside and outside Levi. Most, though not all, would be a hazard to anyone brave enough to enter and walk the intestine halls once again.   Some examples include:
  • Spinners: Hull panels that crumple into aerial screws to move in their environment.
  • Little Tridents: Nuts and bots grew legs of their own to crawled about.
  • Insectold: Scampering probes with layered outer shells.
  • Drill Snakes: Heavy set hand drills with long protruding beaks and wiggly worm-like cords.
  • Toothy Oysters: A thick bulky suit that splits open at the seams to consume the person inside.
  • Winged Keys: Small vampiric knives that embed themselves into prey to feed.
  • Hammerhead Worms: Former hammers swing their head back and forth while swimming in the air.
  • Wall Weeds: Medical syringes that burrow through the wall panels.
  • Social

    Contacts & Relations

    Captain Daedalus

    Daedalus is a rouge delphi captain who obsessively pursues the animal in vengeance for lost friends and family during its 'birth'.   To this end, he has launched several observation missions to learn more of his enemy. He also posts his findings on different information networks as a means of building the necessary funds for several vital tasks.

    Social Aptitude


    Ironically, Daedalus' information gathering efforts elevated Levi into being a unique species, worthy of preservation. So much so, that a thriving touristy industry had emerged around watching for it.



    The creature poses no threat to people. Its selective diet significantly decreases the likelihood that it would need to harm anyone.

    Hobbies & Pets


    Emerged shuttle crafts evolved suctioned mouths or hooked teeth to lash onto Leviathan's outer hull.

    Divine Classification
    EEV Scale: 20.9
    Current Location
    Circumstances of Birth
    One Large Pinkish
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Dull Metallic
    12.45 km
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    — still active transponder
    Related Plots
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    Quarantine Class
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