Tarot Dementia Condition in Pateni | World Anvil

Tarot Dementia

Tarot dementia, also known as the Fade, is a condition known to affect survivors of Trump attacks.


Trumps are known to alter the surrounding environment when they manifest, and that influence can extend to the soul gems of still-living people. The soul gem is degraded and inflicted with numerous defects that are not seen in those of healthy people. With the damaged soul gems, people's physical and mental condition begins to decline.


The most prominent symptom of the Fade is a progressive degradation of the person's sense of self. Long-term memory is not affected, though eventually the short-term memory of the affected person is almost completely eliminated.    More severe cases are characterized by a progressing reduction of movement, speech, and even thought, and the final stage is noted by a total lack of response to even painful stimuli.


There is no known cure for tarot dementia. Most treatments focus on alleviating symptoms by reinforcing the person's sense of self. Cognition-oriented treatments, including reality orientation and cognitive retraining, are the most common, aiming to establish the person's reality or improve mental abilities, while stimulation-oriented treatments focus on improving mood, behavior, or function.    One of the most important aspects of treatment is caregiving. Since there is no cure for tarot dementia and the gradual reduction in self-care in victims, caregiving must be carefully managed throughout the course of the illness. Caregiving in the early and middle stages focus on reducing caregiver burdens while increasing patient safety. Methods for this aim to maintain a level of patient independence by modifying daily routines and items.    As the disease progresses, various medical issues may arise, especially once the patient begins to lapse into the final stages of the illness. Careful management of the illness may be able to reduce or prevent these complications, but professional treatment is required when they do arise. Treatment in the final stage is focused on relieving any discomfort in the patient and managing their health until their deaths.


Tarot dementia is incredibly difficult to diagnose in the earliest stages, and most cases are only found once the condition begins to affect daily activities. Although people with mild symptoms are able to live independently, more severe cases, including those in the final stages, require assistance with most activities. People in the final stage are completely incapable of caring for themselves, requiring specialized care for survival.    Life expectancy is highly reduced in people affected by tarot dementia. Most people reach the final stage in 2-5 years, while less than 2% of people last more than 7 years. People between the ages of 20 and 60 tend to last longer than either youth or elderly people.


The final stage of tarot dementia is called doll syndrome. Doll syndrome is a condition characterized by a total lack of response from the patient to any stimuli.


Cases of tarot dementia have been recorded since the Age of Witches, though most cases occurred during the Age of Prophets and the Age of Gods to a lesser extent.
Chronic, Acquired


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