Jaledused - The Infernal Abomination Character in Paradigm | World Anvil
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Jaledused - The Infernal Abomination

I haaaaave maaanyyy tiiitles manleeeet. But oooonnnlyy oone that maaattersssssss. I aaamm deeeeaaath! I aam the dooooom of Maaaaaankiind!
— the Beast speaks
  Infernal Menace. Hellish Abomination. The Beast. Jaledused. Among the many creatures brought into existence by Mana it is perhaps the most infamous. A titan in every sense of the word, powerful enough to change the very shape of the Mortal Plain, it has tormented humanity for the longest time. Be it due to an ancient grudge or simple malice, as long as Jaledused walked the earth humans in its wake were guaranteed a hellish demise.  

From the Depths of Hell

  Like a moving mountain Jaledused waltzes through the world. From a large enough distance one might confuse it with a traveller in a dark cloak, the head obscured by a hood. Some may think it a giant or abnormally large human. But this first impression couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, it is a mass of molten rock two-hundred and fifty meters high. A shape of black basalt that surrounds it in the mockery of a mage's robe. The mass moves and writhes, occasionally bursting open to reveal glowing red lava that winds and snakes under the surface. Vaguely humanoid in shape, it possesses two arms and hands, both of the same red hot lava as the main body. The hands and fingers change shape constantly, becoming longer and thinner, only to drip down and recede. The molten stone does not look natural, seeming like some deranged form of flesh. Its head is a hood formed from the material and from the opening a red, baleful light shines forth.  

Wrath of Nature

  Jaledused is an enemy Humanity had to contend with since time immemorial. Where exactly it hails from is unknown. As is why it seems intent on annihilating every human it is vicinity. Theories range from the Beast being a failed experiment to an unfortunate Magi that turned themselves into an abomination in their endless pursuit of the Arcane Arts. The best known origin finds itself in the myth "The Doom of Yal'kunar". A primordial civilization, the Yalkunari attempted to subdue a great spirit from within the earth. They coaxed the spirit from its realm and bound it to a great stone Golem. But something went wrong and the spirit brought doom upon the Yalkunari. During the cataclysm, its stone facade melted and took the now infamous form.  
Fire and Stone
Wherever or not this is the truth about its origin, there can be no doubt that the Beast has control over both stone and fire. It can move through the ground just as well as above, simply melting or morphing its way through. Additionally, it commands over a large arsenal of lava based attacks. The molten rocks of its body burns at temperatures higher than most things can endure and a single drop can scorch a meter wide hole into the ground. It puts this to use in many ways, be it as a whip, continuous streams or massive projectiles. Since even tiny drops can set trees on fire, a simple swipe of its arm may cause an inferno.
Poison Gas
Not quite as obvious or flashy, but just as deadly are the creature's abilities relating to gases and air. Within its body, it produces a variety of noxious and lethal materials that when combined with air turn into a deadly weapon. Jaledused can push these out of its body with great force and create storms of gas that can choke the life out of almost anything. It does seem to be able to assert a manner of control over the gas once it is in the air and move it around the battlefield to some degree, concentrating it when needed. Should it want to kill its victims more subtly by poisoning them over days.
  Using these abilities it has destroyed many cities and kingdoms. For millennia it has wandered the world in seemingly random ways and burned anything that it comes across. Sometimes it moves under the earth and literally melts a city from beneath. Other times it unleashes storms of burning rocks and poisonous fumes. Countless people have fallen to it and just as many have tried to stop it.   Only Magi that have ascended to the level of a venerable Grandmaster of the Arcane Arts can even attempt to beat it. And while it has been "killed" a handful of times over the millennia, it has always reemerged again. While not seen for over a thousand years by now, there is little doubt in the minds of the learned that the creature will rear its burning head once again. And like always will be intent on scorching Humanity down to the last person.  
For a beast of such size it is incredibly sneaky. The only thing it cannot hide is its stench. If the air around your home is filled with acidic air, run, for death is already moving toward you.
— Unknown
Threat Level
Date of Birth
Year 7100 of the Primordial Age
Circumstances of Birth
Doom of Yal'kunar
Circumstances of Death
Slain by the Third Archmage
250 m
Inferno at Kolaren Mountain   About 1300 years before today, the Beast entered arguably its most famous battle. When attacking the village of Kolaren, located in the far south of Haramea, it was met by the most powerful human in existence. Yensid, Third Archmage and protector of humanity, battled with the creature for an entire day before finally slaying it. The fight could be heard and felt several hundred kilometres away and saw and entire mountain range levelled. Jaledused has not reappeared since then, leading many to believe that the creature is finally dead for good.  

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Cover image: by Brenna Saxton
Character Portrait image: by Denis Loebner


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