The Illusionist Character in Pantheon Champions | World Anvil

The Illusionist

The Illusionist

The Illusionist was the youngest sibling of The Elder and more fascinated by humanity than any of their siblings. They were something of a trickster god, engaging in song and dance and, of course, illusions. Some consider them the reason for human magic-wielders existing.


Contacts & Relations

The Illusionist spent a lot of time amongst mortals, for a god, and was fascinated by their capacity for great good and evil, for love and hatred. At some point they had a child with one, but the identity of the other parent is entirely unknown, as is the true depth of their feelings for the human.

Family Ties

The Illusionist was the sibling of The Elder and parent to Phoenix.
Divine Classification
Year of Death

Cover image: by Patricia Lazaro