kraken Species in Panthea (old) | World Anvil
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Kraken are colossal octopuses That live in the open ocean and hunt other massive sea creatures. Krakens have terrorized seafarers in the open ocean for as long as people have been sailing, as krakens will often mistake large ships for whales and will often destroy them. Very few kraken had been killed until the Shorian Empire started sailing the seas with their powerful Great Ships, who's metal hulls and powerful weaponry was enough to drive off krakens, although to this very day krakens still attack and often destroy large ships.   Krakens resemble immense octopuses in appearance, they have deadly spikes on the suckers on their tentacles and large hooked claws at the end of each of their tentacles, and the distance between the end of one kraken's tentacle and another is on average about 300 feet (91.4 meters). Krakens hunt very large sea animals, the largest animals that krakens will try to hunt are Great Whales, battles between krakens and great whales are terrifying displays of nature's power, and some battles have been so fierce that legends have been told about them. Krakens latch onto great whales with their tentacle hooks and spiked suckers and attempt the cause them to bleed to death, and great whales ram krakens against rocks and icebergs and hit them with their tails. While Krakens are able to kill the immense great whales, the even larger carnivorous emperor whales are the kraken's only predator.

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