Toltive Character in Pangream | World Anvil
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Jerald Krampton Trader (a.k.a. Toltive)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Toltive was raised in Quadralia. He was born to a family of merchants who traded in furs and local crops. His parents loved him and treated him with love and care; however, Toltive looked nothing like his birth parents. His parents were completely human, but Toltive was part of a race of reincarnating monks and scholars. Consequently, his parents were often given grief over Toltive's appearance, and some suspected that Toltive was a bastard son an unknown father. Around the age of 5, a group of Samsaran monks arrived at their home to confirm a reincarnation of their brethren. It was then that he was gifted the name "Toltive" from his past lives. The monks gifted the youngster a violin and handed him his reincarnation journal, which contains the writings of many of his past lives. Around age 10, the Quadralian War began to spread to his hometown, which got caught up in the crosshairs of a minor skirmish. His family was nearly killed, but a Quadralian soldier saved them at the cost of his own life. Toltive took the fallen soldier's sword and has kept it by his side ever since. At age 21 Toltive went off on his own to become a scholar. He decided to document current major events and collecting historic items form battles and lost civilizations.


Toltive is mostly self-taught. He has traveled all over Reams collecting historical artifacts and pouring over historical documents at any library that he can find. For a short while, he studied under another scholar who was an expert on some of the lost histories of Quadralia and he has also done some studying under the Samsaran monks that reside in a small monastery in the Caldour Mountains.


Toltive works as a freelancer who gets paid to retrieve historical artifacts and tombs from dangerous dungeons. He is also a well-recognized scholar who has published several papers, so he receives commissions. Sometimes, he will be given grants from universities to conduct specific research.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes in the rights of the individual. When he studies history, he likes to know the stories of specific individuals. He never considers the collective over the individual. For similar reasons he considers war as unjustified due to how it affects innocent, uninvolved individuals. However, he is not a pacifist because he believes that mortals are easily swayed to evil deeds and may need to be stopped by force. For him, fighting evil with force works well on a small scale but does more bad than good when larger groups come to arms.  He sees no moral problem with retrieving artifacts from sites related to cultures still around today. Any site that is reasonably abandoned is fair game to him. He believes that ownership is primarily determined by possession. His parents were merchants that would often trade items with merely a word and a handshake, so possession of items was more often determined by whoever keeps it on their person most often. If someone steals from him, he takes it back because he wants it, not because he thinks he has a right to claim it. Similarly, if someone stole from his parents' cart, they would hunt them down and take their merchandise by force, hiring mercenaries if need be purely for business than for right to property. However, he recognizes the unique cases where his personal beliefs do not hold up such as real estate and living things. And if those that claim to assume ownership of a cultural artifact put forth the effort to retrieve it from him, he will usually give it to them.


He will never kill a child He will never enlist in the army All sexual debauchery is unthinkable to him Religious sacrifices He will never destroy a part of history

Personality Characteristics


He believes that more education about the past will lead to fewer wars. His personal experience in the crossfires of war, and watching the young soldier sacrifice his life to save his family, motivates him to spread the truth about how war affects the individual. He is motivated by every tragic story he has collected of individuals falling victim to the forgotten consequences of war.

Virtues & Personality perks

Loyal: he keeps his friends close and he expects similar levels of loyalty to him for easier trust Truthful: he knows the costs of lies and knows to use them sparingly  Self-Dependent: he travels alone a lot and he knows how to take care of himself Morally Determined: he has seen war in person and has seen the heroism of those that put others first

Vices & Personality flaws

Unempathetic: he can only relate to situations he's personally experienced Anti-Social: he does not enjoy befriending new people  Low Self-worth: he has a weird perspective on his current life due to reincarnation Pride: he is well aware of his authority on certain subjects and he is prideful in the accomplishments of his past lives



He talks with his hands. Fans out his hands to accentuate a point. He often gives arguments in lists and will count out his reasons on his fingers, starting with his thumb. In dangerous situations, he traces the edges of the pommel of his sword. When he's nervous or blushing, he'll take out the pen twirl it between his fingers.


He speaks in terms of market jargon. He often speaks in terms of transactions, deals, and risk/reward analysis. His voice is very even-tempered and he speaks concisely in a way he thinks other people will understand the first time.
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Light Blue, Almost pale
Brown with silver spots
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Caucasian with a blue tint
Aligned Organization

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