the truffle pig Character in Paneus | World Anvil

the truffle pig

A truffle pig who wandered into the mushroom forest and is now torn between his gluttony and loneliness

Physical Description

Body Features

Resembling something like a cross between a pig and a tapir, the Truffles has a long prehensile snout and round squat body. His cloven feet are perfectly suited to digging up his favourite delicacies, and his tapir like ears make up for his very poor eyesight.

Identifying Characteristics

Truffles was still reasonably young when he wandered in and hadn't yet lost his markings. As a result his body is a russet brown with rows of tan stripes and speckles along his body.

Physical quirks

Hi snout is constantly on the move

Special abilities

His sensitive snout is better than any blood hound's and can pick out strong scents from nearly half a mile away.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Truffles stumbled into the forest a few years ago while he was on the hunt for his favourite food. Upon entering the forest his sensitive nose was immediately assaulted by scent of glorious truffles. He stayed around in the forest because truffles, though still not plentiful are more so here than outside. He has become a regular sight to the Pixies who protect and look after him, sometimes in return he will share his truffles.

Mental Trauma

Lately the Pixies have noticed that Truffles seems to be a little morose. They believe it to be caused by loneliness due to the fact he is the only one of his kind in the forest. They did try to take him out of the forest in the hopes he would the go seek out companionship but he just came straight back. For now his fixation with truffles seems to be outweighing his loneliness, but the Pixies are worried about him as he grows steadily worse.

Personality Characteristics


Truffles is currently driven by his greed for his favoured food, however it unsure how long this will win out over his growing loneliness.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves truffles, likes head scritches, dislikes his ears being touched, hates ants.


Truffles likes to be clean and takes regular mud baths to ensure he remains just so.



Truffles is quite an amiable character, when not on the hunt for food he will often wander into villages in search of someone to make a fuss of him. He doesn't cause any trouble apart from occasionally getting underfoot.
Current Location
Small, brown
Brown with tan markings
1' 6"


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