Crarte Character in Pandemonium | World Anvil
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Crarte (ˈkɾaɾte)

A Verdure born of a mistletoe plant. It attaches to their host tree or shrub by a structure called the haustorium, through which it extracts Vita directly from the host plant. It grows on a wide range of host trees in the Dark Wood, some of which experience side effects including reduced growth, stunting, and loss of infested outer branches. A heavy infestation may also kill the host plant. Animals living within the wood also carry the mistletoe and its Taint.

Physical Description

Body Features

It has ridge-edged, oval, evergreen leaves grown in pairs along the woody stem, with waxy blue berries that it bears in clusters of four to ten. It grows towards the bark of the host directed by light and gravity, with each potentially forming a mistletoe plant in a clump. The vine seeks to set root directly in the Vita Points of the host.

Special abilities

It is poisonous to ingest, and merely being present in its aura can have a lesser effect. These effects commonly include blurred vision, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Less often, they cause seizures, hypertension, and even heart failure. Toxins are more concentrated in the leaves and berries of the plant, with teas prepared from the plant being particularly dangerous.    If the roots take hold of a person or animal, it also spreads the Taint to them. The cause of this disease is the festering rot of the Baalims influence in this world. The taint itself is a manifestation of their corruption touching the physical from the bounds of the astral. Soon after infection a person develops headache, aching joints, and a malaise. Within six weeks, after a progression of symptoms, the infected is dead. They wander around, a hollowed-out husk, carrying the mistletoe to its next host.
Current Location
150 years


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