BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Bestiary February

This challenge comes at a great time. I had run out of ideas and could use the inspiration. Some of these are existing monsters, a hand full, and the rest are newly created this month. Either way, hope you enjoy browsing through them.
Wings Danger Stinky
Uspi Lirtu Pud
Vulture that resides along the Arresadi River. Eagle that soars the skies over all the Arres people. Dog sized beetle; he will eat you if given the chance.
Stripes Purr Gentle
Cadri Illirjos Leo Nardo
A pygmy living in solitude, deep in the bowels of the floating island of Ban Isle. Matron of wild cats and apex predator of the southern mountains of Renscroprec House cat of unusual size, his mere presence protects his home Cuor Trañe.
Horn Roar Messenger
Wulgol Epto Neid
Giant venomous serpent with incredible healing power. Monstrous goat ruling the eastern cliffs from whence the Arresadi flows. A fiery lizard horse hybrid sent by the gods to ensure mankind stays on the righteous path.
Shell Shriek Food
Paler Fra Colludnen Scionto
One of the largest turtles in the world, who likes to rest in the waters of its greatest river. The great death plant of the Oxbow Grove, they say you can hear the screams of its prey for miles. Greater than the domestic cow and produces the best milk in the land.
Colorful Howl Vicious
Udumi Duspun Mshihtrel
Great toad from the southern continent, Opreunox. The night stalker, this wolf roams the northern mountains of Renscroprec. Among the most dangerous animals in the world due to his highly aggressive and unpredictable nature.
Nocturnal Tamed Silent
Gikon Cuinfu Srisu
This fox lives a life of luxury upheld by her glamorous powers. A domestic sheep reserved for the wealthy. They have the finest wool. A forest spanning mushroom that is a single living fungus.
Mythical Pack Parasite
Lares Drarpis Crarte
Manifestation of the planes. Pygmies, Undines, Sylphs, and the like are among their number. An invasive species of pig found everywhere. This life draining mistletoe thrives on the branches of the Dark Wood.
Prey Burrow Predator
Erdepel Lardel Berahjrl
A species of deer known for its size and durability; with their three antlers they are known as the king of deer. The great queen of the forest, the thickwood badger. She is worshipped as divine in nature. Greatest and oldest bear in the harsh northern forests of Bragdusla.
Monstrous Bond Stalk
Rettut Gus Bwaem
Largest big cat of Opreunox. Giant rooster defending his flock and his humans from danger. A nocturnal water dwelling carnivore ambushing its prey from beneath the surface.


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