The Family of Gods in Pande | World Anvil
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The Family of Gods

The entire pantheon of The Empire of Belyos is a complex affair, but at its heart is just 13 main gods known as The Inheritors, and a half dozen other gods who are responsible for the judgement and keeping of the souls of the dead. There are more gods, some quite important, but for the majority of Imperial citizens, the Inheritors are enough.   At the centre of creation are the Primordials, beings that represent the eight fundamental concepts of the universe. It was they who willed the universe and its contents into being, and it was they who populated the world with humans that bears the name of their most beloved, Pande, personification of life. Though they did not require it, the veneration of humanity instilled procreative urges in six of the Primordials, and the Primae were born.   There are twelve Primae, beings whose power is only limited by the concepts imbued in them at their birth, inspired by the worship of humans. Of the twelve, two are the best known, for entirely opposite reasons; Tuko, flower goddess and bright light of Pande, and Nexi, dark representation of strife and conflict. The Primae paired up and created the Secundae, or in the case of the mysterious Guta, created Tistal the Teller from nothing at all. The sorry tale of Tuko and Nexi is a part of this legendarium.   Of the Secundae, one was more ambitious than any divine being before; Turbal, youngest child of six. Conspiring with Nexi, who desired chaos above all else, Turbal and his siblings tricked and imprisoned the Primae, taking their place as overlords of the physical plane, forever now called the Usurpers. Their rule over humanity was one of benign neglect, and for untold years, humans existed simply to fuel the desires of their gods. It took The Telling of Tistal, a prophecy directed at Turbal, for things to change and, despite his best efforts, his children, some of the Tertae, rebelled against his rule.   The Inheritor War lasted for longer than most can comprehend, and was only ended by eventual release of the Primae and the utter devastation of Turbal and his kin. Casting the Usurpers into the pit which they had once imprisoned their parents, the Tertae took their place as humanities gods, becoming the Inheritors. They rewarded their loyal human followers with the lands of the Inner Sea, and seeking to avoid the pride and ego of their forebears, stepped back to allow humanity to guide its own destiny.   Nexi and his children are still free, but the creation of Zal-jon'weil, the Peacekeeper, has neutered his power somewhat. The Primae departed to join the Primordials in the Ethereal plane, and the Tertae keep a watch on their world.  

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Cover image: A View of Salerno and Vesuvius by Unknown


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