A Brief History Of The Empire in Pande | World Anvil
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A Brief History Of The Empire

At the dawn of the Imperial Age, in 1 IY, the god Yaltur, along with his wife Hikis and the other Inheritor Gods, granted their faithful human worshippers with the lands of the Inner Sea as a reward for their service in the war against their parents, the Usurpers. The first Emperor Jamal Hudor, founded the city of Belyos and the Imperial peoples spread quickly through their promised land.   For almost a thousand years, the Empire prospered and grew, its people convinced of their status as the chosen of the gods and, for their part, the gods content to bask in the unending worship of their people. Complacency grew, ambitious factions gathered their own power, and some forgot that the Empire was for all, granted by the gods to endure. Tensions rose and eventually reached a head, The Great Schism split the Empire into twain, although the seditious Confederation lasted barely thirty years before collapsing into its own fractious conflicts.   Bereft of almost half of its lands and people, the rump of Empire continued for another two hundred years before the issues unresolved since its partition grew unsurmountable, and the Empire collapsed into conflict and recriminations. The various states that claimed succession now openly fought each other for power and recognition, barely able to sustain themselves, and for another two hundred years the name of the Empire was little more than a banner to be fought over.   Then came something no Imperial could ever had foreseen. Envious of the temperate lands to the north, and claiming they had been stolen from them two millennia ago, the Sakamohr people of the south united under a warlord and drove into the remains of the Empire. Facing little resistance from states exhausted of war, the invaders decimated southern Imperial lands and captured the Imperial city itself. What they didn't destroy, they claimed for themselves, and for the next 180 years set themselves up as the successor to the once powerful Empire. Migrants fleeing the ravages of the invaders pushed Imperial presence out of the Inner Sea, discovering first the The Land Bridge and then the large northern continent.   The remnants of the Empire to the north could not endure the sacrilege of having the Imperial City occupied for long, and for the first time since the Great Schism, united to drive the barbarians from Imperial lands. The unity could not last, and aside from agreeing to post a watch on the pass to Sakamohr, the various factions returned to fighting each other once more. It wasn't until 130 years later, when a young soldier called Til-Yaltur drove his crusade through Imperial land and finally reunited all the people of the Inner Sea once more.   Two hundred years since Til-Yaltur's unification of the lands, and the Empire is strong and confident. The power issues of the past seem to have been resolved, and the Sakamohr are beaten down into submission. The new lands in the north beckon for some, and the Empire is glad to have an outlet for those unable or unwilling to contribute. A new golden age is on the horizon, and for many the Empire is back in its rightful place in the world.  
Timeline of the Empire

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Cover image: A View of Salerno and Vesuvius by Unknown


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