The Oshar People Ethnicity in Oxdara | World Anvil
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The Oshar People

Descendants of the Tal

  Like the people of Rulaira, and the Tardoren people in Erendoc, the Oshar people also descend from the Tal, and like their cousins in Erendoc, their ancestors left Rularia for new lands. The Oshar came to settle among the many islands of the Uncharted Oceans, being the only people to successfully naviagate and track the movement of the islands they call home.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

The Oshar feminine names all end in the vowel I, some examples:
  • Malani
  • Ralini
  • Tremani
  • Ametri

Masculine names

Oshar masculine names all end with the E vowel, some examples:
  • Mai'te
  • Liute
  • Au'mire
  • Rei'mure

Unisex names

Oshar unisex names

Family names

Much like the Tal, and the Tardoren, the Oshar people have no familial names, the whole community being a family, instead using the name of their home island as a surname. There are many islands across the Uncharted Ocean, and whilst any could have a small colony, choosing the name of the island for themselves, the main 10 islands with communities are:
  • Terani
  • Hallu
  • Neamai
  • Heli'Rai
  • Ta'Rin
  • Lillue
  • Malui
  • Haeni
  • Tamuri
  • Nei'Uela


Major language groups and dialects

The major language of the Oshar is, like the Tardoren, very similar to the language of the Tal, known across Oxdara as Primordial. However, like the Tardoren, the language has been adapted over time and has taken loan words from Aquan, over many years of trade and coexistence with the Triton of the Oceans. The language has come to be known as Osharas, using a mixture of primordial and Aquan script.   (Using the English alphabet as a reference, the Osharas language uses 4 vowels (A, E, I, U) and 6 consonance (H, L, M, N, R, T) - One day I may create full languages for the Oxdaran languages)

Coming of Age Rites

When Oshar children reach the age of 15 they begin the rite of 'Hui'Lea', where in the child must build their own ship, after which they are towed out to sea by their parents and set the task of making their way home. In preparation for this the child is taught how to navigate the oceans via the stars, the currents, and the Oshar way of tracking the island movements. They are also taught spear fishing, sail repair and water purification. The whole process can take anywhere between 3-4 years of training, learning, and building.

Funerary and Memorial customs

When an Oshar dies their body, along with their most important possessions, is loaded onto the ship they made in their Hui'Lea, and set adrift into the ocean. Afterwhich, flaming arrows are fired at the ship, burning both the ship and the body.   Every year, around the summer solstice, the Oshar observe the memorial of the elders or 'Lae'Liuie'. During the solstice the oceans around the island begin to glow a light turquoise as the spirits of the ancestors return to material plane.


Gender Ideals

The Oshar don't have a ridged ideals or conformity to gender identity, with a focus instead on survival and seafaring.


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