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Emperor Memmorthix Illan'rdan (M-Em-Or-Fix Ill-an-r-Dan)

Emperor Of Ruizar, The Copper Smoke, The Acid Washed Memmorthix Illan'rdan (a.k.a. Memo, Mix)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Well toned but not overtly muscular, with curled ram like horns. His horns and scales are polished to the point of shinning, his tail having stegosaurus like spines on the tip.

Body Features

Mix's body is covered in Copper scales, being a Copper Dragonborn, with lighter coloured scales covering the front of his neck, torso and the underside of his tail; these lighter coloured scales glow in the dark with a toxic green colour, his acidic Draconic heritage coming through. Whilst being a Copper Dragonborn, and posing the natural abilities of one, their are elements of his past few generations of ancestry do appear occasionally, for example the golden flecks in his eye coming from his Maternal Grandmother, a Golden Dragonborn, or the toxic green colour of his acid coming from the poisonous Zinc ancestry of his Paternal Grandfather, who was a half Zinc half Copper Dragonborn.   He has a long tail for a Dragonborn, growing about 80% as long as he is tall, his tail sitting at about 5ft long. The end of his tail has 6 spikes, akin to those of a stegosaurus' tail spines. With three spike on the left and righthand side of his tail, the spines in the middle are the largest pair. Each of these spines have metallic caps of Bronze, with small chains of Bronze and Copper chain links attaching each cap.   Across Mix's back is a large scar, with three jagged lines moving from his lower left hip, across the small of his back, and up to just under his right armpit. This is a disfigurement that very few people are allowed to see, only being his immediate family. He sustained the wound as a young man, around 21 year's old, when he fought against a Drithian spy that had infiltrated the imperial court as a trusted adviser and friend to his father. Whilst out for a stroll around the palace the young Mix heard a very small commotion coming from his sister's, Azzentie, rooms. The Imperial princess was only 7 years old, and as she lay in her bed, the Drithian spy had a blade to her neck and was about to murder the princess. Mix managed to wrestle the blade away from the intruder, Azzentie awaking and running out of her rooms calling for guards at Mix's orders. During the fight the intruder gowged his claws into Mix's back tearing away at him, only being stopped from killing the Prince by the incoming guards.   This wound left Memo with life altering injuries, and whilst he would overtime regain his ability to walk, he permenatly walks with a limp, putting as little weight as he can on his left leg, and always walks with a cane now.

Facial Features

Like many of the Venkan Dragonborn, Mix has a longer and thinner snout and head than the Western Polantian Dragonborn. The end of his snout having 4 long whiskers that droop downwards, with the underside of his chin and snout, as well as the scale on the front of his neck, being a lighter shade of Copper than the rest of his body, which glows a toxic green in the dark, much like his chest and the underside of his tail. At the back of his head he has two large dark Copper horns, that curve round much like a rams, the tips of his horns having caps of Bronze. His eyes are a dark oxidised Copper blue, with small flecks of gold, with a vertically slit pupil, around his eyes his scales are a lot smaller than the rest of his head, and his eyelids are devoid of scales being only a deep dark Copper colour, like the rest of his skin under the scales.

Physical quirks

Due to the wound his suffered in his youth, Mix walks with a limp, putting very little weight on his left leg, and always walks with his cane in hand.   He is ambidextrous, not having a dominant hand, though in combat his wields his blade in his right hand, keeping the cane scabbard in his left hand. During combat a major quirk and often times detriment is that Mix hardly moves around in a fight, when not able to be resting on his cane, because the blade is drawn, he uses his tail to support his weight so he doesn't have to lean on his left leg. Because of this detriment, Mix has had to develop upon his natural talent for talking and diffusing a situation, so not to escalate to a fight. If it does progress into a fight, he will use his large tail, and the spikes at its tip as a weapon of its own.

Special abilities

Like all Dragonborn, Mix has abilities of his Draconic ancestors. Being a Copper Dragonborn, he has a natural resistance to Acid, and has a breath weapon of Acid. He is a dexterous fighter, but above that a skilled politician and is very charismatic.

Apparel & Accessories

Due to Venka's cold climate, Ruizar dress is very different to their western cousins in Polantia, and the same is said for the Emperor. Memmorthix is often wearing a single breasted suit, with a vest, no tie and the top two buttons of his shirt undone; the suit is quite thick and heavy, with a checked pattern on the trousers and vest, in the Copper/Bronze colours of the Ruizar Empire's crests and state colours. The suit jacket is a plain coloured dark plum purple, with the inside lining being a golden silk, and his shirt is a very simple of white or silvered grey. When outside the Imperial Palace he wears a heavy fur coat and cloak, with a leather strap attached to a silver clasp to keep the cloak attached over the left shoulder.   Adorning his horns and tail spines are Bronze metallic caps, he is also know to wear small chains wrapped around his horns; these chains range from a white gold, to Bronze and Copper, or any other type of precious metal. He wear's many rings on his fingers, but the only one that is continuous everyday, and the only ring he doesnt remove, is a wide ring with three interlocking and interweaving bands, one made from Copper, one made from Silver, and the last made from a simple iron but studded with emeralds. This ring is one of three of their kind made, and wear made for the polyamorous wedding ceremony of Mix and his husband and wife. The Copper band being representative of Mix himself, the Silver band representing his husband Goxteran, and the Emerald studded band representing his wife Lithill. The interweaving and interlocking of the bands representing the vows and commitments each member of the throuple has made to eachother.

Specialized Equipment

He carries a cane with him at all times, made of Venkan Pine wood, the interior of the cane is hollowed out, concealing a thin double edged blade inside.   Hung around his neck his wears a dark steel chain, a very peculiar area of dark bluish grey against his very warm Bronze and Copper colouring of the rest of this jewellery. This chain was gifted to him by Clan Eternity as a symbol of thanks expressed by the leaders of the Clan in Mix's acceptance of them and in aiding them in reclaiming their city of Osomi from the group that assassinated Bjorg Korinson, a good friend of Mix during his youth. The chain is made of Venkan-Ori steel, a hardy metal, and is engraved with Venkan-Ori runes and knots, giving the wearer some resistance to the cold climate of Venka.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Memmorthix presents himself as masculine, using He/Him pronouns. Though he does not present himself as overly masculine, keeping in touch with his feminine side, something his sisters reinforced as they grew up together.


Memmorthix's identifies as Pansexual and Polyamorous, being part of a thrupple with his husband the Imperial Prince Goxteran, and their wife Imperial Princess Lithill. Polyamorous relationship have been a part of Ruizar culture for many centuries, though the thrupple of Memmorthix, Goxteran and Lithill were the first members of the Imperial dynstasty to be apart of a Polyamorous relationship.

Personality Characteristics


Like his forefathers Memmorthix's main motivation in life is to continue the legacy of the Ruizar Empire, ensure his people are safe, fed and happy, and find ways to co-exist alongside the Dritha Empire. Memo has a deep sense of family, raising his son's and daughters along side his spouses, whilst also looking after his sisters and their families.


Memo is very well groomed, polishing his scales and horns most days. He bathes very often as well, at least twice per day, once of a morning after waking up and once at night before bed.


Family Ties

Memo is a family man through and through, ensuring that his mother, the Dowager Empress, as well as his sisters and their families are well looked after. He has ensured that each of his sisters holds a position of authority and good standing as Ladies of the Empire.  

Sisters and Siblings by Law

Mix has three sisters, the Imperial Princesses Uki'akthe, the eldest of his sisters, the Imperial Princess Millendrix, the middle sister, and the Imperial Princess Azzentie the youngest sister. 



Niece's, Nephew's and Nibling's




Mix has a very deep and sultry voice, and even in moments of stress or anger never raises it, the Emperor is very calculating in how he speaks, and what he says. He has a slight drawl to his voice, and will often slip into Draconic when speaking in any of the three types of Common, whilst it's not as noticeable when he speaks in Venkan Common, when speaking Rularian, and especially Erendocian, he will say words in Draconic and assume people understand him.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
20th Komora
Year of Birth
231 DR 52 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
First Born of his 3 other Siblings
Current Residence
Dark Oxidised Copper Blue with flecks of Gold, Vertical Pupil
Dark Copper Curled Horns like a Rams
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Copper coloured scales across his body, with the scales that run down his neck across his torso and underside of his tail glowing a toxic green in the dark.
Morgole Pantheon
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Fluent in Draconic and Venkan Common, as the two are very similar, he will however occasionally use the Draconic word if he cannot remember the Common word - this happens most often with words that were brought over to Venka by the Venkan-Ori. He know enough Rularian Common and Erendocian Common to pass in conversations, however if he can speak in Draconic or Venkan during talks with other nations he will.


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Aug 15, 2022 04:57 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there! You may not know me, but I am the sponsor of the Great Leader of Their People Summer Camp Prompt this year! Since you wrote this article, I would like to know, would you mind me reading it aloud on my Twitch channel this week? I have a lot to get through so it helps to do it live while people watch. I've scheduled to go live at 8am and 8pm Eastern Time every weekday. If you join and comment, I can go over your article right then and there! If you'd like to coordinate a specific date, let me know. If you aren't able to make it (or don't want to be present live), you can also always watch streams after the fact on my YouTube channel   BUT, if the answer is NO because you'd rather I not, it's okay! Not agreeing to be streamed definitely does not put you at any disadvantage for winning in my eyes. Please respond swiftly by replying here (make sure to click REPLY under my comment or I won't be notified), message me on my World Anvil profile page, Discord, or anywhere else you find me online.   Thanks again! Whatever you choose, God bless and much success! <3

Aug 16, 2022 20:05

Hey, that sounds great! You have my utmost permission aha! Thank you so much :)

Aug 16, 2022 21:16 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

I appreciate the response and the permission! <3 Have a blessed one!

Aug 24, 2022 15:54 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. I pray all is well. I went over your article last night in my final stream. Here's the link for the replay if you'd like to take a look. PLEASE BE ADVISED THE STREAM IS ALMOST SEVEN HOURS XD but I tried to link the articles in the comments in the order they appeared for your skippy-through convenience. :D If not, no worries at all. Thanks again for allowing me the honor! Have a blessed one. <3

Aug 27, 2022 15:13

No worries! Thanks for giving it a read!