Land Biscuits Species in Overlord | World Anvil
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Land Biscuits

There is something of a loss within the entomologist circles to explain how exactly the land biscuits were named, but this is the name and it has stuck and so this is the official scientific term for this subspecies of bee. One popular way to explain it is to shrug and point to the location of origin: Deorma.   Land biscuits are found almost exclusively within the mountains of Deorma. It is a puzzle as to how they survive, with the answer being "probably the same way as anything else survives in Deorma," which is valid but nonetheless not terribly satisfying. They are large fuzzy creatures almost always incapable of harming anything, unless they're given tea in which case they become rather lethal. This is something of a problem considering they are the primary pollinators of the Mountain Tea. Their one saving grace becomes the fact that they are rather incapable separately and are rather like normal bees in their drone behavior.


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