Breakdancing Trees Species in Overlord | World Anvil
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Breakdancing Trees

The name by happenstance resembles a type of Earth-dance that developed. Generally, though, the trees seem to prefer the tango.   Breakdancing trees can be found all over the world, usually in lowland areas, and they are named such because they dance. They are not capable of coming up with their own choreography, but they are willing and able to copy the movements of those around them. The "break" part of the name comes about when the tree in question gets a little too enthusiastic and manages to twist itself into knots and then shatters. It is a sad day for arborists, but a good day for the makers of dancing clogs.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Breakdancing trees are rather short when fully grown, and slender. There is some argument as to whether or not they are sentient, or even more than a mimic plant. The fact that they seem to choose which dances to copy would seem to indicate that they are. In any case, they can appear at first to be a standard maple tree.   The difference comes when the tree reaches maturity. The roots will split the trunk in two and begin to drift apart. When the two trunks are properly separated, the tree is capable of dancing. It does this without fully removing from the ground.   It is quite impressive to see small groves of these dancing trees all together. While they all might dance differently, the dances are usually to the same basic beat, and for those moments when the trees don't collide, it creates quite a glorious choreography.   It defends itself from those who might wish to eat it by its flailing branches, which is enough to deter most creatures. For those really really determined to consume parts of this tree, usually one taste of the acrid, ashy leaves is enough to throw them off entirely.

Genetics and Reproduction

The trees reproduce by means of large seeds the size of an adult human thumb, with tiny legs that run away from birds that might try to eat it.

Ecology and Habitats

The trees require a temperate biome, with middling range of hot and cold temperatures. Average amounts of rainfall are sufficient, as too much rain can cause root problems.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Breakdancing trees require all the usual things that the average hardwood tree requires: sunlight, water, soil with sufficient nutrients. And like all magical trees, it does require a certain amount of additional substance there, which means that they do tend to do better when placed close to a wizard's lab or some other place with a lot of excess energy. (A nuclear power plant has been known to suffice in a pinch.)   The tricky part is the music. In order to grow and thrive, and not end up a shriveled little stump, breakdancing trees need music. Or at least, rhythmic noise. Almost any kind of music will do, and depending on what the tree listens to while a one-trunk sapling, it will likely affect the kind of dancing the tree will do later. Trees without music will usually fail to develop the dual trunks at all.


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