Cookies Species in Ovenbreak | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Cookies has Strawberry Jam as their blood, but other things can substitute as blood as well. Protecting the Strawberry Jam is the layers upon layers of their ingredients, each having piece of their memories within it. Depending on the ingredients, they can be as strong and durable or also be as fragile as a broken glass.

Genetics and Reproduction

They can reproduce like any species, but they can also be created as well. This can easily achieved through the Witch's Cookbook of course.

Growth Rate & Stages

They grow the same way like humans, but younger children are more prone to have broken down bodies regardless of ingredients, so please proceed with caution. However, Cookies that are created can have the physiological adult body materials regardless of age. Thus are called Hand-baked.

Ecology and Habitats

Any habitats are fine as long as they can adjust to them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Cookies can eat anything. But are more able to reinvigorate themselves through eating foods flavored in their own ingredients.

Biological Cycle

Depending on the ingredient, a single Cookie can live through long enough to pass through 3 centuries. Or are ultimately short-lived about 20 years.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They are basically preys to any one willing to eat Cookies for breakfast, snacks, dinner, and lunch. The fruit Cookies are most sought after for their healthy nutrients. Adult werewolves also desires vegetable variety of Cookies, but werepups are known to hate their tastes.

Facial characteristics

Are noted to have luminescent hair as well as eyes matching the color of their ingredients

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Depending on the ingredients, they can move extremely fast but have a more fragile body. While have a really strong durable body but are slow. Depending on the level of sweetness, they can have their own magic unique to them as well.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Each and every Cookies must be elegant and good-looking in their own way.

Gender Ideals

Pretty much open about it. Though back then it was a bit more strict but not as serious.
90 years
Conservation Status
Cookies can survive on their own, but needed to rely on their own to survive
Average Height
Noted to be smaller than any average giants and orcs.
Average Weight
Varies on ingredients
Average Length

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