Mystik Confederacy Organization in Ousia Verge | World Anvil
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Mystik Confederacy


High Council seat- the leader of the council, usually the most qualified member, who's say holds the most weight. Council Treasurer- Regulates spending of taxes, donations, and Confed membership dues. Council Overseers- Delegates tasks needed to make sure the meetings run smoothly. Council Member- Representatives of planets and cultures within the Confed. Council Under Rep- Assistants to the main Reps, and replacements if the main Rep is absent. Council Diplomat- Charged with improving relations with people inside and outside of the Confed, Dulae are automatically afforded this title.

Public Agenda

To bring voices together for all those living within the Kye-Roe belt for stability and prosperity.


The main assets of the Confed is Psionics, almost every single person has this ability. Food production is huge and is big business with many fertile planets for the Confed's use. There is no better medical care in the galaxy with the invention of the gene therapy pod, many diseases no longer exist, this goes for deformities, and life threatening injuries as well, however the Confed medical establishment keep a tight grip on this technology.


The Confederacy was born out of the bloody remains of the Revo-Aristo War and is officially only 52 years old and, along with the Dulae, ushered in a new golden age for the Mystiks.


The Confederacy claims no territory, and have no interest beyond the Kye-Roe asteroid belt, their natural territorial barrier.


The Daughters of Arias, Devotees of Arias
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
The Confed
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
The Council
Judicial Body
Peacekeepers, Dulae

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