Lamia Species in Othea - Old | World Anvil
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Like many monstrous race before them they were created through act’s of alchemy that eventually brought on a life of their own. A fusion between human and snake. They prefer to talk their way out of it rather than use force, though they are both strong and quick leading to short battles if their enemy is not prepared.

Basic Information


he upper half of their body is that of a human female, with the lower portion forming into that of a large snake. Scales are more prominent on their lower body but do extend onto their human half in lesser quantities.

Biological Traits

Sharp Teeth

Genetics and Reproduction

Each females reproductive organs are able to hold male sperm for fertilization for moderate amount of time in preparation for their next clutch. Each time a female has a clutch it consists of anywhere from 1-3 children based on the potency of their partner, however they may only have a chance at a successful mating during a full moon due in part to the alchemical curse that was originally used to create their race. They become quite gravid with larger amounts of children that severely restrict the mothers movement.

Growth Rate & Stages

Lamia live to be anywhere from 200-250 years old but reach physical maturity at the very young age of 15.

Ecology and Habitats

Lamia are territorial and very community driven. They tend to skirmish with anyone that they feel is a threat to their territory and are often in fights with orc’s and other such aggressive races. They tend to be initially distrustful of any outsider’s to their community though will withhold judgement until the individual has proved themselves.   Male lamia are exceptionally rare having only a 1 in 100 birth rate, so often they resort to seduction of other humanoid type races during full moons when they gain exceptionally strong shape shifting powers.   They tend to make their homes either in the woods or on the fringes of a nearby society to ensure they are the least disturbed.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are mostly carnivores as their sharp teeth allow for easy eating of even the toughest of meets, but are known to enjoy fruits if for no other reason that as another water source.

Biological Cycle

While they mature early they do not stay fertile for relatively long, only a mere 30 years compared to their 250 year lifespan. Once they reach the age of 50 they start t

Additional Information

Social Structure

Their community is concerned they operate in a matriarchal way with a “High Mother” who oversees the day to day operations of the town as well as the final decision on any major issues. This includes blessing unions, naming newborns, and overseeing security. In times of war the High Mother’s mate commands the warriors and hunter’s, though if she is without a mate she will take over these roles as well.

Facial characteristics

Their faces are narrow, with serpentine slits for eyes and long razor sharp teeth.

Average Intelligence

Most possess higher than average human intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have exceptionally keen sight, their elongated tongues aid their sense of smell. Their eyes possess minor hypnotic qualities that aid them in any diplomatic venture.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Many tribes worship Seraph due to their past history as well as being sought after as exotic slaves to the country of Kirn.

Beauty Ideals

A strong body with feminine features is the most ideal, while males are preferred to exhibit extreme strength.

Average Technological Level

While they understand metalworking and other such technology, they are a primary magic using race that dwells in living forests.

Common Taboos

Abortion, they are already small in number, voluntarily giving up a life is seen as a great sin.


The Lamia were created by the mad alchemist Maudril Irori, and are numbered among many creatures originally born of experiments. Originally they were more snake than person but as he slowly changed his formula's throughout the years and increased their intelligence they became fiercely intelligent beings that aided in his eventual downfall during the year 402 SY.   Maudril wanted their race to survive and flourish in his own way so gave them the ability to reproduce under a very unique set of circumstances. He tied a powerful shape-shifting ability to their core and aligned it with the draw of a full moon allowing them to take on nearly any shape and seek out a mate for the night before returning to their den to later give birth to a child.   Since their escape on from Pyvros they have mostly dispersed throughout the continents keeping small, and quiet communities hidden away from civilization keeping contact only with nearby towns that don't show active hostility towards them.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While they hold a different world view from Driders, they sympathize with their creation and have been known to have fairly strong treaties with any of their society. Occasional Human settlements make friendly trade relations with them once they have built up enough rapport with herbal medicines making up a majority of their trade.
Average Height
They sit comfortably at a height of 6'
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
Sleek yet muscular. Those who live in the forest tend to have more muscle mass from repeated climbing while those in the desert will be a bit thinner.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They have a tan complexion on the parts of their human skin, and many often get or create tatoo's to mark themselves as members of a specific tribe.
Related Ethnicities

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