Kindled Species in Ostyria | World Anvil


Like tongues of fire they descended upon the husk and set them ablaze, the metal bodies drummed with life, it was unlike anything I had ever seen. It was like watching a miracle unfold right before my eyes.

Metal bodies with fiery souls, the Kindled are a species of beings that are the seemingly impossible union between inorganic metals and organic souls. Discovered or perhaps rediscovered by Seeker during his journey across Lanfe, the Kindled were originally encountered in The Depths thriving in the ruins of an ancient city with a homogenous community of their own, that closely resembled that of communities on the surface. Some have travelled to the surface and some have even adapted to the cultures of those above, fully integrating them into the Lanfen populace.

Basic Information


Most Kindled have a typical humanoid anatomy of four limbs, two arms and two legs, a head and torso. Their internals are filled with mechanical mechanisms that are held together by strands of their soul. Some Kindled have integrated other mechanical instruments to their chassis adding to their overall structure or changing it altogether.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is unsure if Kindled can reproduce, but there have been accounts of seeing "dead' Kindled reignite. When this happens the Kindled does not share any memories or personality with whatever soul previously inhabited it.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kindled do not grow or age in the traditional sense instead their souls mature, if there is an upper limit to this maturation it is unknown. Transformations only happen when a Kindled integrates new parts to themselves.

Ecology and Habitats

Kindred were originally encountered in The Depths but they are able to adapt to any environment given that they do not need to eat or sleep and extreme temperatures do not easily effect them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kindled do not eat but some are recorded to be expert hunters and foragers, some even excellent chefs.

Biological Cycle

Kindled do not have biological processes.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Kindled are geographically distributed all across Lanfe but mostly in The Depths.

Average Intelligence

Kindled have the varying intellect that most humanoids exhibit.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kindled have been noted to encompass an array of senses that other humanoids have but they process them differently. Most however do not taste or smell, though there have been some that have crafted oral and odor sensors for themselves.

Even though they are partly made up of organic soul they are not innately magically and do not display any psionic powers but just like other humanoids they display an array of abilities which allow them to understand the world around them.

Geographic Distribution
Discovered by


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Aug 4, 2022 00:03

This is a cool idea! How is a Kindled formed? Does the soul get to chose to inhabit the metal body or does the body pull in any nearby untethered souls like a soul vacuum? Thanks for sharing!

Aug 4, 2022 00:54 by Jared Richardson-Rushin

Thanks so much! I actually did think about this and there is a bit of mystery involved with that process but there is another article (that I will link to this one after SC judging) that may give clue.

When you’re writing you’re trying to find out something which you don’t know. - James A. Baldwin

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