Curgh Menoch Clinic Building / Landmark in Osiria | World Anvil
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Curgh Menoch Clinic (Kurg Men Ach)

The Curgh Menoch Clinic (CMC) is the pride of the Dwarven Kingdoms. The best of the best medical researchers, both mundane and divine, study and practice their trade here. Any Physician from the CMC is highly revered and respected in whichever place they exist.   Interestingly enough, even when warring with the Dwarven Kingdoms, Physicians from the CMC are allowed to pass through unharmed, in or out of battle. They are universally accepted even when there is a trade embargo.

Purpose / Function

  • Medical study
  • Healing spellcrafting
  • Arcane ritual design - medical support
  • Surgery improvement
  • Physician training


The building is designed as a sprawling gothic hospital. It is mostly a greying stone, with marble and quartz accented throughout. It impresses upon its students and visitors a sense of formal and regal charm. Throughout the building, there are statues of gods, the Halberd being the most prevalent and of course, each of the gods are depicted as Dwarves. There are secondary gods and forgotten gods as well. Windows are lead-infused glass (wavy lines), and where appropriate there are stained glass images of hte gods as well.    Large firepits keep the building warm, and students dorm within the large building, each year of study to their own wing.


The building was created by the first Dwarven Kingdom (TBD), which saw a need to cure a plague at the time. This CNC did create a solution for the plague and are credited with designing the spell Healing Word.


Very few visit the CNC as a tourist, however there are two types of people who do visit:  
  • Physicians and healers, looking to improve their study 
  • Commonfolk, clergy, and royalty alike, looking for the best healing that exists
Founding Date
835 OA
Alternative Names


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