Reikhardt Osterhagen Character in Orrus | World Anvil

Reikhardt Osterhagen

Reikhardt Osterhagen (a.k.a. The Head Taker)

Reikhardt is a master swordsman owing allegiance to whoever has an honest heart and can afford his services. He travels Serrus and has fought in countless battles and has slain thousands of Void beasts.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Reikhardt carries himself well. He is strong and his endurance is near legendary. Due to old battle wounds and his age, he is slower than he was in his younger days, but by no means have his skills diminished significantly.

Body Features

His features and complexion show years of hard work and age. At his height, he is taller than most and is immediately spotted in a crowd.

Facial Features

Reikhardt is a worldly man. His travels have left many troubled memories. Due to this, his default expression is dourness and skepticism. He rarely smiles, but when he is with close friends, his demeanor changes entirely.

Physical quirks

His battle wounds give him a slight limp in his right leg.

Apparel & Accessories

His greatsword, Lebnehmer is never far from his hands. At first glance, it is an unremarkable Hessen Zweihander. Upon closer inspection however, the blade is enscribed with the motto of his now, long dead family in the Wetteran language: "To Serve Always"   He favors lighter armor and typically sports a blue gambisson with a breastplate. His left hand is covered by a half-gauntlet, while his dominant hand, the right, is fully enclosed. His shins are protected by metal greaves.

Specialized Equipment

Reikhardt is a master with the Zweihander. Many aspiring Soldiers seek him out to be trained. To date, however, Reikhardt has only trained two individuals. The Falaisian scribe and poet, Laurent Xavier frequently accompanies Reikhardt on his travels attempting to convince Reikhardt to put his skills into publishing a Hessen "Fechtbuch" chronicling his techniques for others to study.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

At a young age, Reikhardt understood hardship. His family were once minor nobles in the town of Fressburg in the Burggraftshaft of Kernig, Wetterau. Due to a massive debt that his father, Margrave Hugo Osterhagen incurred, their lands were stripped and many of their titles revoked. Hugo shortly after took his own life.   His mother had long since perished in a small plague that swept through Fressburg and Reikhardt was the sole living Osterhagen. The Burggraftshaft offered Reikhardt two options to pay the debt: Join the Kernig Army, or go to debtor's prison. Reikhardt had always had skill with a blade, and so it was an easy decision. He joined the military.   He served under Colonel Ullrich Hartl in his Eichenstag Landsknechten Regulars. Over the course of two years, they fought mercenaries on the borders of Frisia, pirates and raiders on the Kalt Coast, and quelled an armed militia in Gudebbron. Hartl saw Reikhardt's skill and seeing potential promoted him and placed him in his doppelsöldner contingent, the Black Swords. Reikhardt was trained in the Kernig Krieschwert style and he soon mastered the Hessen Zweihander.   After 5 years with the Black Swords, Reikhardt was selected by Hartl to be the Captain of the doppelsöldners. For another year, he gained the trust of the men. Hartl was growing old and he began to erupt into bouts of dementia and madness. Reikhardt found it harder and harder to keep the regiment in good order. Hartl then accused Reikhardt of trying to usurp him. He declared Reikhardt traitorous and sentanced him to hanging. The night before however, the men loyal to Reikhardt secretly smuggled him out of Wetterau.   For the last 20 years, Reikhardt has wandered all across Serrus fighting wherever he is needed. A few years ago he met a Durgol by the name of Gallek Foehammer and they quickly became friends. Gallek is one of the few people that can make Reikhardt smile.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Slayed the "Gibbering Beast of Sharpes Inlet"
  • Defeated the famous Pirate King Johannes van Keppel singlehandidly in Roverhaven
  • Earned the rare Silver Crowned Hawk medal in the service of Kingsland
  • Granted the honorary title of Strategos from the people of Hyperiolos

Failures & Embarrassments

The Osterhagen family is now dead. Its only lasting legacy was massive debt and suicide.

Mental Trauma

The years of fighting and wandering have taken a significant toll on Reikhardt's mental well-being. He rarely sleeps longer than a few hours at a time and is haunted by visions of battle.

Personality Characteristics


Reikhardt has long since abandoned any dreams of regaining his family's honor. In his mind, that ship has sailed. No one truly knows what Reikhardt fights for or what drives him.

Likes & Dislikes

Reikhardt loathes the lazy and the dishonest. He refuses to work or take money from those he deems as such.


Social Aptitude

Despite his quiet demeanor and introversion, people seem to flock to Reikhardt. His deeds alone reflect endless charisma.

Wealth & Financial state

Reikhardt has only the possessions he carries on his travels. Wealth is not of any concern to him.   The only possession Reikhardt truly cares about is his greatsword, Lebnehmer
I truly wish you would reconsider. I have apologized for the perceived slight I have done to you. I assure you, if you continue down this path, you will not walk out of this tavern with your life.
— Reikhardt Osterhagen
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Guardian of the Crown, Kingsland
  • Honorary Strategos of the Hyperion Isles
  • Ulfsthane of Gjolir
  • Savior of Rijkel and Middelbroek
  • Heisserkonig of Argau
Dark Brown and troubled
Known Languages
Wettaran, Frisian, Argaun, and Brenner